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2021年英语专业四级考试词汇语法练习题及答案2 1. He lacked the and political acumen for the post of chairman. A.judgement B.interpretation C. commentary D. Explanation 2. When and by whom the islands of the West Indies were first settled is a matter among archaeologists. A. of debating B. to be debated C. to debate D. of debate 3. Language, culture and personality may be considered of each other in thought, but they are inseparable in fact. A. indistinct B. separate C. independent D. irrelevant 4. Once your mind accepted the false fact that there was a in the way you would do everything badly. A. tiger B. lion C.dog D.cat 5. One of my most able students was by another university. A. denied B. rejected C. excluded D. forbidden 答案及解析: 1. 【译文】作为主席,他缺乏判断力和政治敏感性。 【解释】名词辨析。Judgement“判断力”。Interpretation“解释”。Commentary“注释,评论”。Explanation“解释,说明”。故答案为A. 2. 【译文】是何人在何时最早在西印度群岛定居是考古学家们一直在争论的话题。 【解释】固定搭配。A matter of debate表示“一个争论的话题”。Debate在这里用作名词。故答案为D. 3. 【译文】在人们心中也许认为语言、文化、性格彼此互不相关,但事实上他们彼此密不可分。 【解释】形容词辨析。Indistinct“不清楚的、模糊的”;separate“分开的,单独存在的”,一般与from搭配;independent“独立的,不相关联的”,与of搭配;irrelevant“不相关的,不切题的”,一般与to搭配使用。故答案为C. 4. 【译文】一旦你思想上错误的认为有拦路虎存在,你将事事难成。 【解释】固定搭配。 A lion in the way表示“拦路虎”的意思。注意不要受中文思维影响直接就译为tiger哦~~~ 5. 【译文】我最得意的一个学生被另一所大学拒绝了。 【解释】动词辨析。Reject“拒绝接受某人做某事”,如拒绝候选人,拒绝申请,拒绝求婚等;deny“否认,拒不给予某人所求之物”,搭配是deny sth. to sb.;exclude“阻止某人参加某事,把某人排除在外;排除可能性”;forbid“禁止”。故答案为B. 点击免费试听 点击免费试听 2021年英语专业四级考试词汇语法练习题及答案2 1. He lacked the and political acumen for the post of chairman. A.judgement B.interpretation C. commentary D. Explanation 2. When and by whom the islands of the West Indies were first settled is a matter among archaeologists. A. of debating B. to be debated C. to debate D. of debate 3. Language, culture and personality may be considered of each other in thought, but they are inseparable in fact. A. indistinct B. separate C. independent D. irrelevant 4. Once your mind accepted the false fact that there was a in the way you would do everything badly. A. tiger B. lion C.dog D.cat 5. One of


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