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第三课时 Section A (3a -3c) 名师点睛 考点?finally的用法 【点拨】(1)作副词,意为“最 后;最终”,表示某一动作发生 在最后。 (2)作时间状语,意为“最后;终 于",相当于 at last/in the endo 【拓展】First ... Next ... Then ... Finally...这几个副词常用于表 示做事情的先后顺序,意为“首 先 其次 然后 最 考点?forget的用法 【点拨】forget用作动词,意为 “忘记”。常用短语有: (1) forget to do sth.表示"忘记 了做某事”,事情还没有做。 (2) forget doing sth.表示“忘记曾 经做过某事「事情已经做过了 O 考点? How do you make popcorn? 俶响瞬米花? 【点 拨】How do/does sb. make Sth.?是询问如何制作某物的 句型。make在句中意为“制 作",后面常跟双宾语,即make sb. sth.,相 当于 make sth. for sb. o 如: Mother often makes me cakes ? 二 Mother often makes cakes for me. 妈妈经常给我做蛋糕。 考点? another 10 minutes 再 (要)10分钟 【点拨】another意为“又一,再 一”,其用法有:(1 ) another +单 数名词;(2 ) another +数词+复 数名词,相当于:数词+ more + 复数名词。 考点?dig的用法 【点拨】dig是及物动词,意为 “掘(地);凿(洞);挖(土)”。其 现在分词为digging;过去式为 dug。 基础知识闯关 一、根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。 (挖)deeply-[考1 ? After half an hour, they found nothing, so they had lo (挖)deeply-[考 The old computers look like large machines (机器). Finally (最终),we decide to go to Beijing.[考点?】 The farmers are busy growing corn (玉米)in the fields. My cousin really enjoys bread with cheese (奶酪)? 二、单项填空。 (1) )1?(原创题)Do you know how a tree? A. plant B? planting C? plants D. to plant (C )2. 一 do you make a banana milk shake?【考点?】 ——Peel the bananas first and blend it with milk ? A. What B. When C. How D. Where (I > )3.(易错题)sony I forget my homework.【考点?】 A. do B? to do C? doing D. does (I) )4. Betty wants to stay here for ?【考点?】 A. six other days B? more six days C. six another days D? another six days (I) )5.(毕节七中期中)―Phere are still a few bananas. Would you like to have one? 【考点?】 —No, thanks ? A. the other B. other C. others D. another 综合能力提升》 rice三、阅读理解。 rice Do you know how to make delicious rice? Let me tell you! First, you have to buy some good quality (质量)rice. Then, pour two cups of rice into a pot. After that, it is very important that you wash the rice only with clean cold water? Pour some cold water into the pot and stir(搅动)the rice around in it. When the water turns white, pour out the water but not the rice? You s


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