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2021年英语专业八级考试人文知识练习试题及答案5 1.____is the home of golf. A. England B. Scotland C. Wales D. Ireland 2.Which of the following languages is NOT spoken in Scotland? A English B Scottish C Gaelic D Danish 3.The election of ____ made Margaret Thatcher to power and she became the first woman prime minister. A 1979 B 1980 C 1982 D 1992 4.To its full sense, the British Parliament consist of ____ A the House Lord and the House of Commons B the House and the Senate C the Queen and the Hosue of Lords D the Sovereign, the House of Lords and the House of Commons 5.The Tower of London, a historical sight, located in the center of London, was built by ____ A King Harold B Robin Hood C Oliver Cromwell D William the Conqueror 6.There are ____ state churches in Britain. A two B three C four D five 7.When Oliver Cromwell died in 1658, and was succeeded by his son____, the regime began immediately to collapse. A Henry B Hamilton C Richard D Charles 8.____ birthday is a great event in Britain since it marks the beginning of full manhood or womanhood. A The twenty-first B The eighteenth C The nineteenth D The twentieth 9.Reuters was founded in ____ A 1715 B 1751 C 1851 D 1815 10. What is (are) the nickname(s) of the U.S.A.? A Uncle Sam B Brother Jonathan C Yankee D All of the above 点击免费试听 点击免费试听 2021年英语专业八级考试人文知识练习试题及答案5 1.____is the home of golf. A. England B. Scotland C. Wales D. Ireland 2.Which of the following languages is NOT spoken in Scotland? A English B Scottish C Gaelic D Danish 3.The election of ____ made Margaret Thatcher to power and she became the first woman prime minister. A 1979 B 1980 C 1982 D 1992 4.To its full sense, the British Parliament consist of ____ A the House Lord and the House of Commons B the House and the Senate C the Queen and the Hosue of Lords D the Sovereign, the House of Lords and the House of Commons 5.The Tower of London, a historical sight, located in the center of London, was built by ____ A King Harold B Robin Hood C Oliver Cromwell D William the Con


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