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二十一.蔷薇目(Rosales);★ 蔷薇科Rosaceae;华北绣线菊Spiraea fritschiana Schneid;枇杷;;樱桃;白花悬钩子;越南悬钩子;紫叶李;★ 蔷薇科Rosaceae;2.亚科比较及常见植物;? ;? ;(一) 绣线菊亚科Spiraeoideae;(二)蔷薇亚科(Rosoideae);(三)苹果亚科(Maloideae); (四) 梅亚科(Prunoideae);3.经济意义;蔷薇目中的常见科;蔷薇目特征 features of Rosales;二十二.豆目Fabales;羊蹄甲;凤凰木;相思子;相思子;黄槐;洋金凤;鸡冠刺桐;印度紫檀;1. 豆目特征(三科共同点): 荚果 有根瘤、有托叶、叶枕发达 合萼离瓣5基数,1心皮1室多胚珠 Features of Fabales (common features of the 3 families): Legume With root nodules, stipules and developed leaf cushions Floral parts pentamerous, with fused sepals and discrete petals, one carpel, one chamber and many ovules;2. 豆目的分科及常见植物 family classification of Fabales and common plants;? ;? ;镊合状排列: 指花萼或花瓣在花芽内排列方式,各片花被彼此接触但互不遮盖。 Valvate arrangement:refers to the arrangement of sepals or petals in a flower bud such that these parts meet at their edges and do not overlap. 上升覆瓦状排列: 每一片花萼或花瓣的一边覆盖着邻接一片的另一边,同样方式,这片又压着另一片(旋转状排列)。但有1片或2片完全在内侧上方,同时被另外两片压盖。这样的排列方式称为上升覆瓦状排列。 Ascending imbricate arrangement:each sepal or petal overlaps nearby one at one edge, and this one also overlaps another one (in spiral arrangement). But one or 2 parts are totally in it at the top, overlapped by other two on both edges. It is called ascending imbricate arrangement. 下降覆瓦状排列: 每一片花萼或花瓣的一边覆盖着邻接一片的另一边,同样方式,这片又压着另一片(旋转状排列)。但有1片或2片完全在外侧上方,同时压盖另外两片的边沿。这样的排列方式称为下升覆瓦状排列。 Descending imbricate arrangement: each sepal or petal overlaps nearby one at one edge, and this one also overlaps another one (in spiral arrangement). But one or two parts are totally out of it at the bottom, overlapping other two on both edges. It is called ascending imbricate arrangement. ;豆目3科比较 Comparison of the 3 families in Fabales;★ 含羞草科( Mimosceae );★ 苏木科(???实科) (Caesalpiniaceae);★ 蝶形花科(Fabaceae or Papilionaceae);3.豆目的经济意义;相关科的花程式比较;蔷薇目、豆目系统地位;二十三 桃金娘目(Myrtales) ;★桃金娘科Myrtaceae;番石榴;番石榴;★桃金娘科Myrtaceae;2.常见植物;3.经济意义;桃金娘目常见科;安石榴科 Punicaceae 安石榴 Punica granatum 柳叶菜科Onagraeae 柳叶菜 观赏植物 野牡丹科Melasomataceae 野牡丹 Melastoma candidum 海南常见 使君子科Combretaceae 使君子Quisqualis i


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