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DEADPOOL Rhett Reese & Paul Wernick Final Shooting Script - November 16, 2015 TWENTIETH CENTURY FOX 10201 W. Pico Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90035 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. COPYRIGHT ?2015 TWENTIETH CENTURY FOX FILM CORPORATION. NO PORTION OF THIS SCRIPT MAY BE PERFORMED, PUBLISHED, REPRODUCED, SOLD OR DISTRIBUTED BY ANY MEANS, OR QUOTED OR PUBLISHED IN ANY MEDIUM, INCLUDING ANY WEB SITE, WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF TWENTIETH CENTURY FOX FILM CORPORATION. DISPOSAL OF THIS SCRIPT COPY DOES NOT ALTER ANY OF THE RESTRICTIONS SET FORTH ABOVE. Deadpool Final Shooting Script 11/16/15 1. OVER BLACK. Low volume, through a tinny speaker, JUICE NEWTON’S ‘ANGEL OF THE MORNING.’ FADE UP ON: 1 EXT./INT. TAXI CAB - MORNING 1 DEADPOOL, in full DRESS REDS and MASK, quietly FIDGETS in the BACK SEAT of a TAXI CAB as it proceeds along a CITY FREEWAY. Deadpool adjusts the two KATANAS strapped to his back. Rolls the WINDOWS up, down, up. Tries futilely to untwist the seatbelt, then LUNGES forward, locking it up. Rifles through a tourist booklet and tears out a HAUNTED SEGWAY TOUR coupon. The CABBIE, young, thin, brown, glances back and forth from the rear view to the road to the rear view. DEADPOOL Kinda lonesome back here. CUT TO: DEADPOOL, WEDGING himself through the opening between the back seat and front. His two katanas don’t cooperate, catching on the Plexiglas, stalling him mid-torso. DEADPOOL (CONT’D) Little help? The cabbie grabs Deadpool’s hand and pulls him through to the front. Deadpool’s head rests upside down on the bench seat as he maneuvers his legs through. The cabbie turns the helping hand into a HANDSHAKE, then turns down the Juice. CABBIE Dopinder. DEADPOOL (still upside-down) Pool. Deadpool. Dopinder is remarkably UNAFFECTED by the lunatic in his cab. DOPINDER Why the fancy red suit, Mr. Pool? DEADPOOL It’s like Christmas Day, Dopinder. Been waiting one thousand eight hundred twenty-two days, three hours... (checks ‘Adventure Time’ watch) ...and thirty-six minutes f


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