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关于宽容的高中英语作文 篇1 Tolerance is not only a kind of accomplishment,more than a kind of virtue.To be tolerant does not mean being so timid,instead of it,it means magnanimous by keeping an open mind. To be tolerant should own the characters of being strict to yourself and treating others with a heart full of mercy.Easily forgiving yourself is not toleraance and its weakness instead of it.It also in terms of people to treat others with a heart full of mercy.Its sappiness to tolerate the people who dont treasure the tolerance.Its appeasement to tolerate the people who are not worth tolerating.And its indulgence to tolerate the unforgivable people.Therefore,the tolerance itself is also a a branch of knowledge. How wide the world is,but there exists something wider than it----peoples heart.Lets learn to own the tolerance. 宽容是一种修养,更是一种美德.宽容不是胆小怕事,而是海纳百川的大度.做人要学会宽容. 宽容应是“严于律己,宽以待人”.轻易原谅自己,那不是宽容,是懦弱.“宽以待人”,也要看对象,宽容不珍惜宽容的人,是滥情;宽容不值得宽容的人,是姑息;宽容不可饶恕的人,是放纵.所以,宽容本身也是一门学问. 天地如此宽广,但还有比他更宽广的东西——人心.让我们学会宽容吧! 篇2 Jackie Chan, Chinese famous male actor, who enjoys great reputation all around the world. As his great influence, people keep their eyes on his family, not long time before, Chan’s son was caught taking drugs, this incident shocked all the people, they never thought his son were making such mistakes because Chan had declaimed that he hated people to take drug and he would take spare no effort to go against drugs. Since Chan’s son was in prison, the young guy’s career was ruined, people refused to see his movies or the things about him, the company has to give up on him. It seems that Chan’s son will not be accepted by the public, in my opinion, we should give this guy a chance, everybody will make mistakes, what’s more, he has regretted for what he has done, he know his fault, that is the most important. 成龙,中国著名的男演员,在全世界都很出名。由于他的巨大影响力,人们一直关注着他的家庭,就在不久之前,成龙的儿子被抓到吸毒,这个事件让所有人都感到震惊,他们无法想到他的儿子会犯这样的错误,因此成宣称过他讨厌人们吸毒,他会不遗余力地反对吸毒。自从成的儿子被关进监狱,这个年轻人的事业可


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