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Unit 8 根据汉语提示完成句子 1.I’ll help________(清扫) the city park. 2.We can’t___________(推迟制订计划). 3.I’d like to__________________(鼓舞)the sick kids. 4.We’re going __________(建立) a food bank to help hungry people. 5.You could__________(分发食物) at a food bank. 6.We need__________(想出) a plan 7.I _______ ________some clothes to charity because they were too small for me. 8.On weekends I like to_______ _______ at the sports club with my friends. 9Jim________ ________ his father.They are both clever and a bit quiet. 10.确信无疑地,你帮忙并使我拥有“幸运”成为可能。 ______ ______,you have helped make _______ _______ for me to have “Lucky”. 11 You could volunteer _________ kids _________(帮助 )their schoolwork. 12关于帮助别人我不但感觉良好,而且我习惯了花时间去做我所喜欢做的。 Not _______do I feel good about helping other people,_____I get to spend time doing what I love to do. 13 After a long run,the car _______ _______ _______(用光) oil 14 These words are all very important. ________________(把…写下来), please! 15.Do you know who _________________(分发) advertising at the school gate? 16.他们的老师不但会讲英语,而且还会讲日语。 Their teacher can speak ______ English ______Japanese. 17 No one wants to buy these coats. You can’t even ___________(白送). 18 He want _____________(尽力通过这次考试), so he works harder. 19.His mother is ill,, and she hardly _________(自理)herself. 二.单项选择 18.I ___ to read,so I always put my ____to good use by working in the after-school care center at her elementary school A.love;loves B.loving;loving C.love;love D.loves;loves 22.You could start a _________ A.China History Club B.Chinese history club C.Chinese History Club D.chinese history club 25._____ill,I can’t go to school today .A.Because of B.As C.Being D.With 31.What’s the best way to_________ life’s big and small problem? A.deal with B.do with to C.deal with to D.dealing with 32.Even though he was disabled,he can do many things ___ swimming,writing and reading. A.as B.for example C.that is D.like 35.Please _________,or I’ll be late


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