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PAGE 雇佣合同 Employment Contract 甲方:……. (以下简称为甲方) Party A:……... Hereinafter referred to as Party A 乙方: (以下简称为乙方) Party B: Hereinafter referred to as Party B 乙方基本资料: Party B basic information: 护照号 PP No. 国籍 Nationality 家庭地址 Family ADD 联系电话: Contact Phone No. 直系亲属联系人姓名: Immediate Family Name 与乙方关系: Relationship with Part B 直系亲属联系地址: Immediate Family Add 直系亲属联系电话: Immediate Family Contact No. 根据相关法律法规,甲乙双方在平等自愿、协商一致的基础上,双方于2013年1月 日签订本合同,签约地: ,双方本着遵循诚实信用的原则,共同遵守履行。 Under the related laws, the contract is hereby made and concluded by and between Party A and Party B on Jan, , 2013, in , on the basis of equality, voluntariness and consensus through negotiation. On the principle of good faith, both Parties hereto do hereby agree on the content of this contract as follows: 工作范围及工作地点 Work scope and workplace 甲方根据工作需要,安排乙方在指定区域内从事 工作。工作地点:。 Party A shall appoint Party B to work at the assigned place and engage in Welder as per Party A's business requirements. The workplace is . 经甲方考核确认乙方不胜任本岗位工作,或因甲方工作需要,可以调换乙方的岗位(工种)工作。变更岗位后执行相应岗位的待遇。 Party A may adjust Party B's job when Party B is confirmed unqualified, or by virtue of its business requirements. Party B's salary and benefits shall be adjusted accordingly. 合同期限Contract Term 合同期从乙方到达 起至乙方离开 之日止。 The contract starts from Party B’s arrival in. and ends till the date of Party B's departure from. 本合同期限为 24 个月,甲方可以根据生产经营情况、工作需要或航班情况等因素决定增加或减少1-3个月。 This contract lasts for 24 months. The term of this contract shall be subject to decrease or increase by one to three months according to Party A's production and business operation, work requirements or flight status and so on. 出现以下情况时,乙方应承担甲方为乙方办理签证、购买意外伤害保险、购买往返机票的全部费用,共计数字美元。乙方同意甲方从未发放的工资中扣除,未发放的工资不足支付的,乙方应在回国前支付。 In case any of the following occurs, Party B shall pay all the expenses, i.e. USD 数字 in total, which Party A has spent demanding the visa, purchasing personal accident insurance, and buying round


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