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2021考研英语:作文谚语的复习 The grass is greener on the other side.这山望着那山高。 The greatest talkers are always least doers.语言的巨人总是行动的矮子。 The leopard cannot change its spots.本性难移。 The more noble, the more humble.人越高尚,越谦虚。 The more wit, the less courage.初生牛犊不怕虎。 The outsider sees the most of the game.旁观者清。 The pen is mightier than the sword.笔能杀人。 The pot calls the kettle black.五十步笑百步。 There are spots in the sun.太阳也有黑点。 There are two sides to every question.问题皆有两面。 There is a skeleton in the cupboard.家家有本难念的经。 There is kindness to be found everywhere.人间处处有温情。 There is no general rule without some exception.任何法规均有例外。 There is no medicine against death.没有长生不老药。 There is no place like home.金窝银窝不如咱的狗窝。 There is no royal road to learning书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。 The style is the man.字如其人。 The tongue is not steel, yet it cuts.人言可畏。 The water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it up.水能载舟,亦能覆舟。 The wise man knows he knows nothing, the fool thinks he knows all.清者自清,浊者自浊。 The wolf has a winning game when the shepherds quarrel.螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后。 The world is a ladder for some to go up and others to go down.世界如阶梯,有人上有人下。 The world is but a little place, after all.海内存知己,天涯若比邻。 Think twice before you do.三思而后行。 Things at the worst will mend否极泰来。 Time and tide wait for no man.时不我待。 Time cures all things.时间是医治一切创伤的良药。 Time flies.光阴似箭。 Time is money.时间就是金钱。 Time lost cannot be won again.时光流逝,不可复得。 Time past cannot be called back again.时间不能倒流。 Time tries all.路遥知马力,日久见人心。 Tit for tat is fair play.人不犯我,我不犯人;人若犯我,我必犯人。 To err is human.人非圣贤,孰能无过。 To know everything is to know nothing.什么都知道,一如什么都不知道。 To know oneself is true progress.人贵有自知之明。 Tomorrow never comes.我生待明日,万事成蹉跎。 Too much familiarity breeds contempt.过分熟悉会使人互不服气。 Too much liberty spills all.自由放任,一事无成。 Too much praise is a burden.过多夸奖,反成负担。 To save time is to lengthen life.节约时间就是延长生命。 To


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