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英文简历求职意向 SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS Over twenty years of progressive,professional accounting and supervisory experience. Computer skills 1-2-3,Taxware Systems,IBM PC,and Microsoft word . Proficient in Spanish and some knowledge of French. Self-motivated;able to set effective priorities decisions to achieve immediate and long-term goals and meet operational deadlines. EDUCATION Passed C.P.A.Examination,January 2021 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA,Charlottesville,VA certificate in accountancy with high honors,2021 G.P.A.: 3.6/4.0 UNIVERSITY OF MADRID Graduate School of Spanish Literature,1972 UNIVERSITY OF RICHMOND,Richmond,VA Bachelor of arts,arts,modern languages,1971 G.P.A.:3.0/4.0 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1992-present KENDALL MANAGEMENT GROUP,Richmond,VA Controller Initiate and maintain general ledgers for three closely held corporations.Compile financial statements.Process payroll,payables and receivables.Prepare budget and cost reports. 2021-present B.T. JOHNSON,C.P.A,Richmond,VA Staff Accountant Prepare individual,corporate,and fiduciary income and estate tax returns.Generate compilations and financial statement audits.Research tax issues. 2021 ASHLAND AUTHORITY,Ashland,VA Assistant Terminal Agent Supervised ten ticket agents.Implemented accounting department policies. Assisted in conversion of sales reporting to Lotus 1-2-3. Name sex dont male photos Date of birth and anhui huaibei city 1982.04 mouth Engaged in software sales and implementation of current industry position implement consultant and salesman At present the $20000-30000 between marriage deny no Mobile phone 139 * * * * * * email As for the meaning Target function: computer maintenance, software testing, inspection and maintenance circuit panel, company staff training and management Expected salary: negotiable Designed industry technology can Computer maintenance proficient


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