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考研英语作文的提分重点 一、阐述价值的重点句式重要性 1、The spirit advocated in the 21st century is one of... 例:The spirit advocated in the 21st century is one of cooperation and coexistence. 译:21世纪提倡的精神是合作和共存。适用于2021真题“合作” 2、... is similar to/bears close resemblances to... 例:Pursuing knowledge is similar to climbing a mountain. 译:追求知识好比爬山。 3、This philosophy can insightfully explain why it is not a wise idea to... 例:This philosophy can insightfully explain why it is a wise idea to constantly pursue self-improvement. 译:这一哲理深刻解释了为什么不断提升自己是明智的。适用于2021真题“终点又是新的起点” 4、...is the pyramidal cornerstone for success and also the source of real happiness. 例:Keeping optimistic is the pyramidal cornerstone for success and also the source of real happiness. 译:保持乐观是所有成功的基石,也是真正幸福的来源。适用于2021真题“乐观” 5、...is the first step on the road to success. 例:Self-confidence is the first step on the road to success. 译:自信是走向成功之路的第一步。适用于2021真题“乐观心态” 6、... can help a person set ambitious goals, overcome obstacles and then achieve ultimate success. 例:The spirit of moving forward can help a person set ambitious goals, overcome obstacles and then achieve ultimate success. 译:向前的精神能帮助一个人设定远大的目标,战胜挫折并获得最终成功。适用于2021真题“终点又是新的起点” 7、... is a basic requirement for a company or a person to succeed in this fast-paced/fiercely competitive society. 例:Cooperation is a basic requirement for a company or a person to succeed in this fiercely competitive society. 译:合作是一个公司或者个人在这个竞争激烈的社会成功的基本要求。适用于2021真题“合作” 8、...can enable a person/a company/a nation to..., which can ensure his great and lasting success/its sustainable progress. 例:Having harmonious family relationship can enable a person to work energetically at his career, which can ensure his great and lasting success. 译:拥有和谐的家庭关系能使一个人充满激情地为事业工作,这能确保他获得巨大且持续的成功。适用于2021真题“孝道或关爱老人” 9、... will facilitate the growth of a person/a company/a nation, thereby making it more likely for him/it to be t



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