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1) 用… times表示。 My room is three times as large as yours.  我的房间是你的三倍大小。  如果表示“是……两倍数”,一般用 twice。 My room is twice as large as yours. 我的房间是你的两倍大小。 倍数表达法的句型: 倍数 + as + 形容词原级或副词原级 + as 倍数的表达法 2) 用-fold表示。  The value of the stock has increased two- fold since we bought it.  股票的价值已涨至我们购买时候的两倍。    3) 用-%表示。  The collection of our school library is 200% up compared with 1998.  我们学校图书馆藏书量与1998年相比增 长了一倍。  first of all 首先 by ones and twos 三三两两地 second to none 不比任何人差,首屈一指的 one by one 一个一个地 be on cloud nine???高兴得飘飘然  含数词的短语你知道哪些呢? “碰壁点拨式”教学法是素质教育的一种方式,这种教学法的基本模式是:编拟题组—练中碰壁—讲评点拨—巩固消化。该教学法以问题为载体,以训练为主线,目标导控,问题教学,先练后讲,碰壁点拨,反馈矫正。增强了学习的方向性、选择性及目标性,使学生在克服困难消除障碍的过程中发展自己的观察力、想象力和思维能力,使他们的智慧升华,创造思维得以开发。 * 2021年高考英语专题复习:数词复习全解 Do the?exercises?individually, and then?check?your?answers?with?your partners. Now check your?answers 1-4 DDDB 6-8 ACAC 数 词 基数词 序数词 数量 顺序 表示数目和顺序的词叫数词。 点击欣赏 “数词之歌” 考点题例一 1. — If a = 4, b = 5, what’s the answer to the question “a + 2ab + 1=?” — _____. A. Forty-fifth B. Forty-five C. Twenty-three D. One hundred and twenty-one 【解析】基数词表示人或事物的数量,而序数词表示人或事物的次序。 2. — There are 60 students in my class and 44 of them use we chat very often. — 44? That means about _____ of your classmates are we chat users, right? A. half B. one third C. two thirds D. three quarters 【解析】表达分数时,分子用基数词,分母用序数词;分子大于1时,分母要在序数词后面加-s。在表达四分之几时,要用quarter与基数词搭配来表示(如:四分之三 three quarters)。表达二分之一时通常用one half或a half表示。 3. There are over _____ students in their school. A. hundreds B. nine hundreds C. hundreds of D. nine hundred 【解析】当基数词与 hundred, thousand, million, billion 连用,表示具体的“几百、几千、几百万、几十亿”时,这些词后不加-s。如 two hundred books, three thousand trees, four million people, five billion seconds。 ①1-12,独立成词。 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twel


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