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第PAGE1页(共NUMPAGES1页) 2019-2020学年河北省秦皇岛市卢龙县九年级(上)期中英语试卷 卷I(共80分)听力部分(第一节)I.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息.(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分) 1.(1分)A. whether B. weather C. where 2.(1分)A. meet B. holiday C. grow 3.(1分)A. hardly B. ever C. twice 4.(1分)A. go swimming B. go shopping C. go camping 5.(1分)A. thirsty B. result C. junk II.听句子,选出该句最佳答语.(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分) 6.(1分)A. Last month. B. No, thanks. C. In the supermarket. 7.(1分)A. Yes, please. B. Thank you. C. Not at all. 8.(1分)A. It doesn't matter. B. I have a headache. C. Nothing. 9.(1分)A. Three times a day. B. Two days. C. Tomorrow. 10.(1分)A. That's all right. B. OK. C. I'm sorry to hear that. III.听对话选择正确答案.(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分) 11.(1分)Where are they talking? A. In a shop. B. In a clothes shop. C. In a post office. 12.(1分)What was the weather like last night? A.Rainy. B.Sunny. C.Windy. 13.(1分)What are they talking about? A.School life. B.Summer holiday. C.Shopping. 14.(1分)How often does Anna ring her mother up? A. Once a day. B. Once a week. C. Once a month. 15.(1分)What time will they arrive at the airport? A. About 8:30. B. About 9:30. C. About 10:30. 16.(1分)When will the girl have the final exam? A.Tomorrow. B.On Monday. C.On Friday. 17.(1分)Whose notebook is this? A.Jenny's. B.Linda's C.Bob's. 18.(1分)Why does Peter look tired? A.He had a football match. B.He stayed up late for his exam. C.He watched a football match. 19.(1分)What are they talking about? A. Skirts. B. Shirts. C. Jeans. 20.(1分)What weather does the girl like? A. Cool weather. B. Cold weather. C. Hot weather. IV.听短文选择正确答案.(共1小题,每小题5分,计5分) 21.(5分)听一篇材料,回答下列小题. (1)What's the passage mainly about? A. Losing weight. B. Taking exercise. C. Keeping healthy. (2)What may make you ill easily? A. Junk food. B. A balanced diet. C. A poor diet. (3)What can you do to clean your stomach after you get up every day? A. Eat some fruit. B. Drink a cup of water. C. Take exercise. (4)What can give you more vitamins? A. Milk. B. Sugar. C. Fruit and vegetables. (5)How many pieces of advice does the writer give


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