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…………○…………外…………○…………装 …………○…………外…………○…………装…………○…………订…………○…………线…………○………… ※※请※※不※※要※※在※※装※※订※※线※※内※※答※※题※※ …………○…………内…………○…………装…………○…………订…………○…………线…………○………… 中考英语考前练习试卷(四) 姓名:__________ 班级:__________考号:__________ 一、选择题(共15题) 1、 We ________our sports meeting every year and it brings us great fun. A . were having B . had had C . had D . have 2、 When I ________yesterday morning, my father was cooking in the kitchen. A . get up B . have got up C . got up D . will get up 3、 —What is Mike doing now? —He ________an online class in his room. A . was taking B . is taking C . took D . takes 4、 George felt really happy ________ he got an A in English. A . because B . if C . though D . while 5、 We ___________arrive on time or we will be in trouble. A . can B . must C . may D . might 6、 — Which dress is __________, the blue one or the purple one? —The purple one. A . Beautiful B . more beautiful C . most beautiful D . the most beautiful 7、 Before you ask someone for help, find out ???he is the right person for your problem. A.since?????? B.that???????? C.whether????? D.unless 8、 —I don’t know___??? _during the summer vacation. Do you have any advice? — How about visiting Beijing International Horticultural Expo(北京国际园艺博览会)? A.what should I do???????????? B.when should I go C.what I should do???????????? D.when I should go 9、 I don't know ________ for England next week. A.when they will leave????????? B.when they would leave C.when will they leave?????????? D.when would they leave 10、 Miss Yang is good______art. And she can be good______children in the art club. A . at; at B . with; at C . at; with D . with; with 11、 — I don’t know how to____the old books. — Why not give them away to poor children? A . hand out B . give up C . deal with D . take up 12、 Mr.Li exercises every day because he knows it’s his health. A . good to B . good with C . good at D . good for 13、 Don't be angry with Tom. Actually he doesn't know the truth , either. A . In all B . In fact C . A


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