高考英语复习《Listening,speaking and writing》.ppt

高考英语复习《Listening,speaking and writing》.ppt

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Speaking Excuse me… I’m afraid I can’t follow you. Please, can you speak more slowly? I beg your pardon? Pardon? What did you mean by …? I didn’t understand … I’m sorry but could you repeat that? When you have problems understanding the guide, use these phrases: Sample dialogue: A: Excuse me. Are you a guide? B: Yes, I am. Can I help you? A: Can I ask you a questions about the Temple of Heaven? B: Of course. What do you want to know? A: What is this Temple for? Using Language (II) Listening, Speaking Writing Listening (page 15) 1. Look at the list of English kings and queens. Tick the ones you hear about. King Edward Ⅳ 1461-1483 King Edward Ⅴ 1483-1483 King Richard Ⅲ 1483-1485 King Henry Ⅶ 1485-1509 King Henry Ⅷ 1509-1547 Edward Ⅵ 1547-1553 Mary 1553-1558 ElizabethⅠ 1558-1603 2. Listen to the tape again and answer these questions. 1. Which king on the list was one of the princes in the Tower? How do you know? King Edward V. Because he had come to London to be crowned king. He had come with his younger brother, Richard, and they stayed in the tower. 2. Who had the two princes killed? It is said that Richard sent men to kill his nephews, the princes. 3. Who was the brother of King Richard Ⅲ? How do you know? King Edward Ⅳ. Because it says that Richard was King Edward Ⅴ’s uncle. King Edward Ⅴ was King Edward Ⅳ’ son. 4. What was the name of the sister of Queen ElizabethⅠ? How do you know that? Queen Mary. It was Queen Mary who brought Elizabeth to the Tower as a prisoner. 5. Which queen had no children? How do you know? Queen Mary had no children so her sister became Queen after her death. 6. Give two examples of unfair behavior by kings or queens about five hundred years ago. Example 1: Richard killed his nephews. Example 2: King Henry Ⅷ killed some of his best friends. LISTENING TEXT CAN A ROYAL PALACE ALSO BE A PRISON? Zhang Pingyu is trying to find out more about the history of the



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