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专业英文简历模板 Basic information Name: Sex: Female Date of Birth :1990-07-01 Nationality: Chinese Account is located: current Xian: Xian Graduate institutions: the political landscape of Xian Institute of Foreign Affairs: member Highest level of education: post-secondary repair by a professional: e-commerce Personnel types: ordinary job graduation date :2021-07-01 Job intentions Job type: Full-time or part-time Position: promising Hope Location: Xian Wish to pay: Negotiable Self-evaluation I accept the strong, active thinking, with good communication skills, hot to get along with others, full of team spirit and like to participate in the activities of the Organization. In the learning initiative, the courage to accept the opinions from all sides, not afraid of failure, can quickly sum up the lessons learned. The sale of a certain theoretical basis, there is a keen observation, clear thinking, able to do a cool look at and analyze problems, has a strong ambition. I personality: a mild, calm, self-confidence, self-discipline, do not boast. To do anything or not, or on efforts to complete the Practice experience Zhengzhou, China Unicom in 2021 with the company over two months, that of the marketing and some of the elements of teamwork. Summer 2021 Guy supermarket in Zhengzhou done 40 days of goods legislation, and that day-to-day operations and the situation of supply of goods. While studying at the school in 2021, made in China Resources Supermarket and other food promotions for some time Computer capacity Proficiency to PPT, EXCEL, WORDD and other office software and images produced PHOTO SHOP. Page three musketeers software Oliver Twist 1234 Main Court Santa Cruz CA, 95060 Cell: E-mail: Career Profile: Looking for an opportunity to work as a Public Relation Manager where I can make effective use of my knowledge and skills for the growth of the organization.


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