高中英语牛津译林版(2020)必修第三册 第一单元重点词和词组学案.docxVIP

高中英语牛津译林版(2020)必修第三册 第一单元重点词和词组学案.docx

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PAGE 1 Book 3 Unit 1 Nature in the balance 1. do/cause harm/damage to =be harmful to 对……造成伤害 2. be home to 是……的家园 3. cut down trees 砍树 cut down costs 削减成本 (be)cut off from the outside world 与外界隔绝 4. sound the alarm 敲响警钟 5. be thankful/grateful for 因……而感激,感谢 6. the solution/approach to (doing) sth. ……的解决方法 7. on account of = due to= because of =owing to 因为,由于 show due respect for sb. 向……表示应有的敬意 return the book before it’s due 到期前还书 8. take revenge on 报复 9. call for the protection of animals 呼吁保护动物 call for the application of modern technology 要求运用现代技术 call for (公开)要求;需求 call on sb. to do 号召 10. nature in the balance 大自然前景堪忧(前景未明,悬而未决) 12. have a negative impact/influence/effect on 对……有负面影响 13. in turn 相应地,转而;依次 turn down an invitation 拒绝邀请 in return/exchange (for) 回报 14. break down 使分解;(关系)破裂;出故障;(精神)崩溃;和谈破裂 15. breathe life into 给……带来起色,注入活力 16. build up one’s confidence 增强自信 build up one’s body 强健体魄 17. come up with creative ideas 想出、想到创造性的方法 keep up with the class 跟上课程 put up with his bad temper 忍受他的坏脾气 18. spring to mind 突然记起(或想到) 19. get rid of =rid of 摆脱,丢弃,扔掉 20. give rise to=result in=cause 使发生(或存在) 21. an organization devoted to protecting forests 一个致力于保护森林的组织 22. in danger of extinction 濒临灭绝 23. bring …close/near to extinction 使…濒临灭绝 24. go extinct 灭绝 25. put … in danger 使…处于危险境地 26. leave …with nowhere to live 使…无处可住 27. provide/supply food and medicine for us 为我们提供食物和药品 28. play a role in maintaining the balance of our ecosystem 在维持我们生态系统方面起作用 29. be an inseparable element of the food chain 是食物链不可或缺的一环 30. make hunting endangered wild animals against the law 使捕杀濒危动物违法 31. protect animal habitats 保护动物栖息地 32. create protected areas 设立保护区 33. live a low-car


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