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雅思口语干货 l 有关物品的重点词组 1.词组: hygiene 释义:卫生 例句: Maxdoesn't care much about food hygiene. 2.词组: cooking utensils 释义:厨具 例句: Thishardware store offers a wide range of cooking utensils. 3.词组: be nutritious 释义:有营养的 例句: Rawvegetables are actually more nutritious than cooked vegetables. 4.词组: good nutrition 释义:让人保持健康的营养 例句: Morepeople attain an advanced age as a result of developments in medical care andbetter nutrition. 5.词组: fattening 释义:让人发胖的 例句: Take moreexercise and try to avoid fattening food. 6.词组: be in season 释义:水果蔬菜等当季的 例句: Strawberriesare in season. 7.词组: be out of season 释义:水果蔬菜等非当季的 例句: Thetechnological breakthrough will allow UK retailers to cut down on importingout-of-season pears from Spain. 8.词组: food supplies 释义:食品供应 例句: Fish werea vital commodity in growing towns and cities, where food supplies were aconstant concern. 9.词组: frozen food 释义:冷冻食品 例句: Manypeople feel that frozen food is inferior to fresh food. 10.词组: canned food 释义:罐装食品 例句: Cannedvegetables usually contain a lot of salt. 11.词组: TV dinner 释义:方便食品 例句: Somemanufacturers are trying to make TV dinners low in salt and additives-free. 12.词组: refreshments 释义:提神点心 例句: What canbe bought to cut down on the waste produced by staff refreshements? 13.词组: a wholesome diet 释义:有益健康的饮食 例句: Somepeople believe a salt-free diet is wholesome. 14.词组: an unhealthy diet 释义:不健康的饮食 例句: Publicawareness of the dangers of an unhealthy diet should be raised. 15.词组: greasy 释义:油腻的 例句: Evan canshed more pounds if he eats less greasy food. 16.词组: cut down on sth. 释义:减少 例句: My doctortold me to cut down on carbohydrates. 17.词组: intake 释义:摄入量 例句: Rubyshould reduce her intake of salt and sugar. 18.词组: a fast food junkie 释义:吃垃圾食品上瘾的人 例句:Fast foodjunkies should be made aware of the psychological reasons for fast food addiction. 19.词组: dietary habits 释义:饮食习惯 例句: Dietaryhabits can be very difficult to ch


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