COPD 肺功能-慢阻肺.pptx

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;一、慢阻肺的定义和病理生理学 I. The definition and pathophysiology of COPD;;;;;;;;COPD患者呼吸 Breath in COPD;二、慢阻肺的肺功能检查 II. Pulmonary function test in COPD;;1. 慢阻肺的肺功能测定 Pulmonary function test in COPD;时间肺活量 Forced Expiratory Volume;;; 慢阻肺患者的FEV1自然波动为 160 ml。 The natural fluctuation of FEV1 in COPD patients is 160 ml. ;;2. 肺功能的应用:慢阻肺的诊断 The application of lung function: the diagnosis of COPD;;;; differential diagnosis; differential diagnosis;;Pulmonary function tests use fixed ratio and tests are performed after bronchodilators. Airflow limitation is identified as FFEV(1)/FVC ratio <0.7. Using fixed ratio (FEV1/FVC) leads to more diagnosis of COPD in older population. Lung volume and air flow may be affected with the increase of age under normal circumstances, some old people may be diagnosed with mild COPD. On the contrary, it may cause underdiagnosis of COPD in adults younger than 45 year old. Gold suggested that age-related normal value available is used as reference so as to avoid over diagnosis in old age.;3. 支气管舒张试验 Bronchial dilation test;; differential diagnosis;; differential diagnosis; differential diagnosis;;;;;;;慢阻肺的动态过度充气 Dynamic hyperinflation of COPD patients;;结束语 Conclusion


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