【牛津译林版】选修九:Unit《Other countries, other cultures》教学.ppt

【牛津译林版】选修九:Unit《Other countries, other cultures》教学.ppt

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Unit 1 Other countries, other cultures;Para 1;minus prep. 减; 零下 Seven minus three equals four. The temperature today is minus ten degrees centigrade. 。 plus prep 加 One plus one equals two.; Canada is one of the largest countries in the world, second only to Russia, and has always been famous for its fantastic natural scenery. second to 仅次于…… Our city has an area of 20,000 square kilometers, second only to the largest city in our province. I think that, as a writer, he is second to none. second to none 最好的;He is such a good player that he is_______ ________(= the best无人能比.) next to 在…后面,跟在…之后 Next to music, he loves tennis best. My horse came next to last (---last but one) in the race. ;superior to 比…好,强 junior/senior to 比…年轻/年长 他比我小两岁。 second 第二大城市 仅次于最好的 二手的 without a second thought a second visit the second visit;to protect (a person, place, etc) from harm ,danger or an attack on d_______ [vt.] ;1)When the dog attacked him, he picked up a stone to defend himself. 2)We defend our country against enemies. 3)The law defends people from injustice.;4)He’s trying to defend himself against the critics. 5) He will defend his title next month. 6) The mayor intends to defend his seat in the next election. 7) He has employed one of the city’s top lawyers to defend him.;defence / defense n. ( in defence of) defendant n. 被告人 defender n. 守卫者;后卫 defensive adj. 防御的;戒备的;防守的 on/ onto the defensive (n.) 处于防御姿态/ 戒备状态/采取守势 defensible adj. 可辩解的;可防御的; defend; protect; guard 这三个词都有“保护、使安全”的意思,也都可用于defend / protect / guard ... against / from ... 结构中。 defend:指“保卫,防卫,防御”,使用范围广,对象可以是具体事物,也可以是抽象事物;; guard:强调注意观察、留心守望、戒备,以免受到可能的攻击或伤害; protect:强调保护……以免受到危险或伤害等。 ;根据提示完成下列句子。 1). _____________________ (你能否自卫) if you are attacked in the street? 2). They__________________________ ________________ (看守着房子, ???止陌生人进入).;根据


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