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中考三轮复习套卷训练(十一) 一、单选题(共25道,每道4分) 1. What worries him is that ______ little money he makes can’t support _______ family as large as his. A./; the B.a ; the C./;a D.the; a 2. Don’t stand too close to North Americans. You’d better give them more personal ______. A.time  B.system  C.space  D.pity 3. When you break the rules, you should______to your teacher. A.apologize B.introduce C.expect D.compare 4. Your gloves should be made______ leather, for they feel soft and smooth. A.in B.on C.for D.of 5. — Can I come today or tomorrow? — ______ is OK. I’m busy today and tomorrow. A.Either B.Neither C.Each D.None 6. Nothing is ________ than keeping trying if you want to achieve your dreams. A.very important B.more important C.the most important D.as important as 7. —What do you think is important for the players on a team? —It’s to play together and ______ the best in each other. A.bring out B.look up C.believe in D.blow out 8. —______ I park my car here for a while? —No, you mustn’t. Do you see the sign “NO PARKING”? A.Would B.May C.Must D.Should 9. The museum _____ next month to celebrate the Science amp; Technology Festival. A.is decorated B.will decorate C.is decorating D.will be decorated 10. —The plane won’t take off ______ the thick clouds move away. —Let’s wait patiently for the announcement from the airport. A.since B.though C.while D.until 11. ________ Chinese culture, many college students go to foreign countries every year. A.Spreading B.To spread C.Spreads D.Spread 12. —How many children do most post-80s families have? —One. They ______ two in the future, I guess. A.will have B.had C.have D.have had 13. I______ football quite well, but I havent had time to play since the new year. A.will play B.have played C.played D.play 14. Yesterday, Mr. Green went to his hometown and visited the old house ____ he was born in. A.which B.where C.w


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