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雅思小作文句子 【篇一:雅思小作文 25 句】 最高级和比较级 1. 在 1950 年,英国有最高百分比的 high quality water ( 97% )。 britain had the highest proportion of high quality water at 97% in 1950. 2. 在 1950 年,英国有最高百分比的 high quality water97% ,比其 他国家的数值大概高 5%。 britain had the highest proportion of high quality water at 97% in 1950, around 5% higher than the figures for other countries. 3. 在 1950 年,英国有最高百分比的 high quality water 占 97% , 相比其他国家大概都在 90% 。 the proportion of high quality water in britain was the highest in 1950, at 97%, compared to around 90% in other countries. 4. 相比而言,法国在 1950 年有低一点的 high quality water 的比率 90% ) in contrast, france had a smaller proportion of high quality water at 90% in 1950. 百分比 5. 1950 年, high quality water 的比率在其他国家低一点。 the proportion of higher quality water was lower in other countries in 1950. 德国的数值在整个时期是最低的。 the figure for germany remained the lowest throughout the period. 7. 在 1990 年,德国的数值下降到了最低水平( 80% )。 the figure for germany fell to the lowest level in 1990 at 80%. 8. 在 2030 年,法国的数值可能抵达顶峰大概 96% 。 the figure for france is likely to reach its peak in 2030, at 96%. 百分比 9. 据预测在英国,法国和意大利,在 2030 超过 90% 的水会 是高质量的水。 the projection is that over 90% of water in britain, france and italy will be of high quality in 2030. 10. 英国 高质量水的百分比平稳下降到了 2010 年的 92% 。 the proportion of high quality water in britain dropped steadily to 92% in 2010. see 的用法 11. 在英国高质量水的比率经历了平稳的下降到 92% 。 the proportion of high quality water in britain saw a steady decline to 92% in 2015. 12. 法国高质量水的比率平稳的上升到了 2015 年的 89% 。 saw the proportion of high quality water climb steadily to around 89% in 2015. 分词的构造  france 13. 水质量除了英国以外的所有国家都提升了,数据在  2030  之前有 着不同程度的上升。 the water quality in all these countries except for britain improves, with figures rising to varying degrees by 2030. 14. 法国高质量水的比率被预测有一个升幅,在 2030  年到  96% 。 the proportion of high quality water in france is projected to show an upward trend, reaching 96% in 2030. 15.  英国数值的趋 势被预料着会持续吸取,在 2030 年几乎下降到 91% 。 the trend in the figure for britain is expect


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