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Host: Good morning, everyone. Welcome to Books and Us. I ’m your host, Paul James. Today, it ’s my great pleasure to haveMiss Rowling, the writer of theHarry Potter series, with us. Host: Good morning, Miss Rowling. JK Rowling: Good morning. Hi, everyone. Host: Miss Rowling, the Harry Potter books are now sold in over 200 countries and have been translated into more thansixty languages. Did you ever expect this global success? JK Rowling: Never , never . I would have been crazy to think that. I mean, it was too good to be true. Host: I ’m curious, when did you come up with the idea for Harry Potter? JK Rowling: In 1990, on a train. One weekend, I was traveling from Manchester to London and the idea for Harry Potter fell into my head. Host: How amazing! On a train! Did you write it down immediately? JK Rowling: That ’s the worst part. I didn ’t have a pen on me, and I was too shy to ask anyone for one. I do still wonder what I ’ve forgotten. Host: That ’s interesting. Many dreams come from childhood; did you want to be an author when you were young? JK Rowling: Yes, I had wanted to become an author for as long as I could remember . I had been writing since I was six. Host: Six? My goodness! Why did you choose to be an author? JK Rowling: Well, writing makes me happy . I mean, its the one thing that I really love doing. I consider myself very lucky to be able to write for a living. 主持人 : 早上好 ,大家好 ,欢迎来到书和美国。我是你的主人 ,保罗 ?詹姆斯。今天 ,这是我的伟大 高兴 haveMiss 罗琳 ,theHarry 波特系列的作者 ,和我们在一起。 主持人 : 罗琳小姐 ,早上好。 罗琳 : 早上好。你好 ,每个人。 主持人 : 《哈利?波特》丛书罗琳小姐 ,现在在 200 多个国家销售 , 已被翻译成更多 thansixty 语言。你有没有预计全球成功 ? 罗琳 : 从来没有 ,从来没有 ,我就疯狂的认为。我的意思是 ,这是好得令人难以置信。 主持人 : 我很好奇 ,你是什么时候拿出《哈利波特》的想法吗 ? 罗琳 :1990 年 ,在火车上 , 一个周末 ,我从曼彻


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