托福作文T167 学校钱买书还是电脑.docxVIP

托福作文T167 学校钱买书还是电脑.docx

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托福作文T167 学校钱买书还是电脑 托福作文T167colon;学校钱买书还是电脑 【托福作文185篇真题范文专项练习】 topic167:你认为学校拿钱买书还是电脑? topic167 your school has enough money to purchase either computers for students or books for the library. which should your school choose to buy - computers or books? use specific reasons and examples to support your recommendation. 167、买计算机 (1)提高学生的学习水平 (2)促进学生和教师之间的交流 (3)提高学校的办公效率 [托福参看范文] topic: 167 our school has been given a grant to make necessary improvements to its facilities. we can spend it on new books for the library or on more computers. our school already has books in its library and it already has computers. since we have more books than computers, i think that new computers will benefit the students more. computers can access up-to-date information on the internet. right now, the reference books in our library are very outdated. our encyclopedia set is eight years old. but if every student had access to a computer, we all could have the latest facts and figures on everything. unfortunately, giving every student a computer means we need a lot of computers. right now, the ratio of computers to students is one to twelve. this means students only get to work on the computers three or four times a week. but if every student had a computer, we could use it whenever we wanted. information on demand should be our slogan. students today need lots of information right away. life goes by too quickly to wait. it takes forever to identify a book that you think might have the information you need. then you have to go to the library and look for the book. usually its not even there. with a computer, information searches are instantaneous. if we all had computers, we could access more information and access it faster by computer. we could have all the information we needed for our schoolwork. we could all improve our grades. for these reasons, i feel that purchasing more computers will benefit us more than buying more book


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