银行保函范本范文 .docx

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全文可编辑word文档 页眉与背景水印可删除 PAGE PAGE 1 银行保函范本范文   致:受益人To: The beneficiary 保函编号 Our Ref. No.   出具日期 Date:   经——通知 ADVISED THROUGH_____   敬启者Dear Sirs,   我行第×××号不可撤消保函   Our Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee No.   根据贵方于×年×月×日与××(以下简称甲方)在×××地签署的第××号贷款协议,应甲方的要求,我们特此开立以贵方为受益人的第××号,金额不超过×××的不可撤消担保函。   With reference to the Loan Agreement No. _____ signed between your good selves and______ (hereinafter referred to as Party A) in place on date and at the request of Party A, we hereby establish in your favor an Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee No.______ for an amount not exceeding______ (in words).   我们保证,在贵方向甲方提供了协议所规定的贷款后,甲方将在协议规定的期限内偿还贵方上述贷款及其按年利率百分之×计算的利息。如果甲方未能在协议规定的时间内全部地或部分地偿还有关贷款的本息,我们保证在本保函有效期内收到本保函的通知银行转来的经甲方证实了的书面索赔通知后,将甲方未偿还之贷款本息偿还给贵方。   We guarantee that, after you provide Party A with the loan as stipulated in the Agreement, they will repay you the principal as well as the interest accrued thereon at______ % p.a. within the time in accordance. with the terms and conditions of the Agreement. Should Party A fail to repay you the loaned amount plus interest wholly or partially within the time limit, we undertake to effect the aforesaid repayment plus interest on their behalf, after we have received from the advising bank within the validity of this L/G your written demand to be verified by Party A.   本保函的担保金额将随甲方或我方已向贵方偿还的本息金额而同比例递减。   The ensured amount under this L/G will reduce in proportion to the amount(s) plus interest already repaid by Party A and/or by us.   本保函自甲方收到贵方的贷款之日起生效,于×年×月×日失效。到期后,请将本保函退还我行注销。   This L/G is valid from the date when Party A receives the said Loan from you until __ and should be returned to us for cancellation upon its expiry.   Guarantor:______   担保人(签字、盖章)   PERFORMANCE BOND   致:受益人   To: The beneficiary 保函编号 Our Ref. No.   出具日期:Date:   敬启者Dear Sirs,   履约保函   PERFORMANCE BOND   本保函是为(申请人名称)(以下简称供货人)根据(合同编号及签署日期)向(受益人)提供(货物名称)而出具的。   This bond is hereby issued to serve as a performance bond of name of the applicant for the sup


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