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广东省专版广州市中考英语二模试卷附答案 广东省专版广州市中考英语二模试卷附答案 广东省专版广州市中考英语二模试卷附答案 广东省广州市中考英语二模试卷 题号 I II III IV 总分 得分 一、补全对话(本大题共 13 小题,共 20.0 分) 为了追上早班车,我父亲一大早就出发了. ______ the early bus, my father set off early . Remember to r______ the books to the library on time . I think this novel is w______ reading . I have read it twice . 依据所给的汉语内容,用英语达成以下句子.(每空限填一词) 上周我们学校邀请了李教授做了一场对于健康的演讲. Professor Li______ to give a lecture about health in our school . 要么你,要么我去看这场电影,由于只有一张票. ______ you______ I will go to see the film because there is only one ticket . 6. Dictionaries are very u______ for you to learn English . My father went to see a d______ because of his terrible toothache . The final e______ is coming . Everyone is busy preparing for it . 这本书真风趣,你能告诉我在哪里买的吗? This book is so interesting . Can you tell me______ it ? 在此次严重的车祸中他们并无受伤.他们真好运啊! They were not hurt in the terrible accident . ______ they are! After summer holiday , I am glad to meet my classmates and s______ our experience o f the holiday together . 人们太残忍了,杀了那么多野生动物. ______ cruel of people______ so many wild animals . 由于孩子们还小,她不得不待在家里照料他们. Because the kids are still young , she has to stay at home to______them. 二、完形填空(本大题共 10 小题,共 15.0 分) It's hard to avoid looking like a fool on April Fool's Day . On April 1 each year , people play tricks on each other. These tricks are usually (14) rather than mean. Classmates sometimes tie each other's shoelaces (鞋带) to their chairs . Teachers might hand out an impossibly difficult surprise test that scares students before they realize it's only a (15) . Newspapers announce fake contests( such as "Win an elephant!" ) and report on fake stories( like "UFO" lands in New York City ). Forget gifts , songs and special foods - those are for the other holidays of the year. On April Fool's Day , the only tradition is to (16) ( and maybe to cause a little bit of trouble ). One April Fool's Day , when I was in high school , a group of students in my class played a very (17)and funny trick on the teachers


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