新译林八年级上U4 Reading(共50张PPT)公开课课件.ppt

新译林八年级上U4 Reading(共50张PPT)公开课课件.ppt

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2021/7/25 B: Sure. You can improve your skills through reading some books about DIY. You can also search the Internet for information. D: That’s true. And the more you practise, the better your DIY skill will be. 1. My cousin Andrew is crazy about DIY. be crazy about 对……着迷 Im crazy about painting. 我对绘画着了迷。 Hes still crazy about both his work and his hobbies. 他依旧迷恋于自己的工作和业余爱好。 2. He once tried to put in a brighter light in his bedroom, but he made a mistake. try 之后既可接动词的to do形式,又可接V-ing形式,但含义上有区别。 try to do 意思是“努力去做某事;尽力干……”,表示想尽一切办法要把事情办成; Im trying to learn English well. 我决心(尽力)学好英语。 try doing 意思是“尝试着干某事”,“试着(用什么方法)去做某事”,表示一种试着、做做看的做法。 I tried knocking at the back door, but nobody answered. 我试着敲了敲后门,但没人回答。 It appears that you have made a mistake. 似乎你犯错了。 make a mistake 犯错误 3. … but he hit a pipe and filled the room with water. 动词fill表示“使充满”之意,作及物动词时,可以用于主动语态和被动语态。 fill…with… 意为“用……装满……”。 be filled with… 意为“……(被)……装满”。可指动作,也可以表示状态;表示状态时,与be full of 意义相同。 许多男孩挤满了老师的办公室。 A number of boys filled the teachers’ office. 她要用牛奶装满那个瓶子。 She will fill the bottle with milk. 教室里挤满了学生。 The classroom is filled with students. 厨房里充满了烟雾。 The kitchen was filled with / full of smoke. Practise 4. But he kept on painting. keep?on?doing 继续做某事,反复做某事,?强调时间的持续性和动作的反复性,及某人做某事的决心。? John?always?kept?on?asking?questions.???? 约翰总是问个不停。 He?kept?on?working?until?midnight? though?he?was?tied. 虽然他已经累了,他还是一直工作到午夜。 5. Now the living room has not only blue walls but also a blue ceiling and floor. 并列连词not only…but also…表示“不仅 ……而且……”,可以用来连接两个并列 的句子成分。 连接主语:谓语动词须和邻近的主语在人称和数方面保持一致。 不仅你而且杰克也对自由女神像感兴趣。 Not only you but also Jack takes an interest in the Statue of Liberty. Practise (2)连接谓语:not only前不可以有助动词。 我们在晚会上不仅唱歌而且跳舞。 We not only sang but also danced at the party. (3) 连接宾语、表语等:只需将两个相同的句子成分用not only…but also…连接起来即可。 他们不仅买了卷心菜而且还有土豆。 They bought not only cabbages but also potatoes. 6. I bought some books about DIY for him and I also advised h


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