译林牛津版高中英语选修9课件:U4 Reading.ppt

译林牛津版高中英语选修9课件:U4 Reading.ppt

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Reading;Can you guess the meanings of the underlined words?;2. A: Give the skates to me!;3. A: There’s no point in losing temper on me. It’s unfair! ; 4. A: I think it was Jason who stole my document.;5. A: Where’s Annie? ;Objectives;汉语是我们的母语,我们从学英语开始,就是用汉语来解释和记忆英语的。变“用汉语解释和记忆英语”为“用英语解释和记忆英语”。避免了将英语转换为另一种语言——汉语所带来的不便和时间耗费。不但提高了效率,而且久而久之,有可能在头脑中建立起两种思维系统,即在汉语思维之外,还可??逐步建立起独立的英语思维系统。;用英语解释和记忆英语,本身就是在学习和运用英语,对提高英语语感和英语的阅读理解能力以及综合运用能力很有好处,是一举多得的好方法。真正做到了用英语品味英语,越品越有味;用英语理解英语,理解更准确。鉴于本环节初次尝试此种设置,可能有些学生对英语解释不能完全理解,为降低难度,英文解释后还配有中文解释,以方便学生回顾早读课中已预习过的单词,进一步加深记忆。;honest about your feelings or opinions; simple and easy to understand unclear because sb doesn’t give enough details to draw a line under a word to show it’s important not covered by clothes; empty to hit or knock sth hard; to stop working deliberately the style of sb’s writing ;9、 人的价值,在招收诱惑的一瞬间被决定。*** 10、低头要有勇气,抬头要有低气。**** 11、人总是珍惜为得到。***** 12、人乱于心,不宽余请。**** 13、生气是拿别人做错的事来惩罚自己。***** 14、抱最大的希望,作最大的努力。**** 15、一个人炫耀什么,说明他内心缺少什么。。***** 16、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。*** 17、一个人即使已登上顶峰,也仍要自强不息。****;to arrange to work for sb connecting with agriculture to cut and gather a crop of gain to plant or scatter seeds on a piece of ground; to spread sth widely to become ripe or to make sth ripe complete, detailed and careful;Reading Tips;;Skimming to get general ideas;1. What is an idiom? An idiom is a group of words or an expression whose meaning is not straightforward, because it often cannot be understood by looking at the meanings of its separate words. 2. What languages was the Bible first written in? 3. What idioms is often used to describe children? ‘The apple of somebody’s eye’.;Careful reading to solve difficult points;Tips for teacher;Idioms often use a number of words to represent a single object, person or concept, among other things, and unless you recognize an idiom when it is being used, it is easy to misunderstand what you read or hear spoken. (P50) 习语常常


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