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更多专升本资料可添加精小萌微信 (jingxiaomeng2020)领取 2020年陕西省普通高等教育专升本招生考试 大 学 英 语 试 题 注意事项: 1.考生领到试题后,须按规定在试题上填写姓名、准考证号和座位号。 2.所有答案必须按照题号在答题卡上对应的答题区域内作答,超出各题答题区域答案无效。 在草稿纸、试题上作答无效。考试结束后,将试题和答题卡一并交回。 3.满分为150分,考试时间为150分钟。 I .Vocabulary andStructure(40points) Directions:In thispart,there are 40 incomplete sentence.For each sentence there are four choices markedA,B,C and D.Choose the ONE that best completesthe sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through thecentre. 1. Mike, together with his team member, going to take part in the next OlympicGames. A. are B.is C.be D.am 考点:主谓一致 刷题班,模拟卷2第22题 (同类型) 2. isquitedifficult forMary togetthejob sincethereare somany competitors. A. What B.This C.That D.It 考点: it 形式主语 速成班第三讲名词性从句 (二) 3. Don’tmakeanynoiseinthelibrary, ? A. Willyou B.doyou C.won’tyou D.don’tyou 考点: 祈使句的反义疑问句 2020押题卷42题 (同类型题) 更多专升本资料可添加精小萌微信 (jingxiaomeng2020)领取 4. ofthemknew abouttheplanbecauseitwas secret. A. Any B.Noone C.All D.None 考点:不定代词 刷题班模拟卷4第54题 (原题) 5. beautifulweatherwearehavingthosedays! A. Where B.How C.What D.That 考点:感叹句 2020押题卷:60题 (同类型题) 6. Thewinner isaChineseplayer, nameoften appearsin sportsnews. A. which B.who C.whose D.whom 考点:非限定性定从 刷题班模拟卷8第34题 7. When Mr.Jonesget retired,hewill hisbusinesstohisdaughter. A. takeover B.handover C.think over D.get over 考点:词义辨析 8. The wallet was to the foreign tourist when it was proved that he was the owner. A. given away B.given out C.givenback D.givenup 考点:词义辨析 更多专升本资料可添加精小萌微信 (jingxiaomeng2020)领取 刷题班模拟卷2第44题 9. Theyneed quitea sum ofmoneyto a special school for disabledchildren. A. set about B.setup C.setback D.set off 考点:词义辨析 刷题班模拟卷4第39题 10. Theoldlady openedt


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