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最新范本 最新范本,供参考! 最新范本 最新范本 ,供参考! 烧烫伤的程度划分 ;3-7I度烧烫伤(红斑性烧伤): ;3-7 天愈合,不留瘢痕。 天愈合,不留瘢痕。 二、(1)浅II度烧烫伤(水疱性烧伤):伤及真皮乳头层,水疱较大,疱壁厚,基地潮湿,表现为受伤处皮肤 疼痛剧烈、感觉过敏,有水泡 ;水泡拨离后可见创面均匀发红、潮湿、水肿明显 ;2周愈合,不留瘢痕,可有色 素沉着。 (2).深II度烧烫伤:伤及真皮深层,创面水疱较小、疱壁厚,去皮后基地红白相间,可见网状血管栓塞。表现 为受伤皮肤痛觉较迟钝,可有或无水泡,基底苍白,间有红色斑点 ;拔毛时可感觉疼痛;3-4周痊愈,留有瘢痕。 三、III度烧烫伤(焦痂性烧伤):伤及皮肤全层,达肌肉或骨骼层,皮肤感觉消失,无弹性,干燥,无水泡, 蜡白、焦黄或碳化;拔毛时无疼痛。严重的烧伤不仅损伤皮肤,还可深达肌肉、骨骼甚至引起全身变化如休克感 染等。愈合慢,愈合后疤痕增生。 Burn Classification Note: The list below shows 4 burn degrees. While most of the public does not recognize the 4 th degree, it is the correct term. The table below, with 3 degrees, is also correct. Both are acceptable. Determining burn depth is important. Things to consider are temperature, mechanism , duration of contact, blood flow to skin, and anatomic location. Epidermal depth varies with body surface, which can offer varying degrees of thermal protection. Older adults and young children also have thinner skin. First degree: Includes only the outer layer of skin, the epidermis Skin is usually red and very painful Equivalent to superficial sunburn without blisters Dry in appearance Healing occurs in 3-5 days, injured epithelium peels away from the healthy skin Hospitalization is for pain control and maybe fluid imbalance Second degree: Can be classified as partial or full thickness. Partial thickness Blisters can be present Involve the entire epidermis and upper layers of the dermis Wound will be pink, red in color, painful and wet appearing Wound will blanch when pressure is applied Should heal in several weeks (10-21 days) without grafting , scarring is usually minimal Full thickness Can be red or white in appearance, but will appear dry. Involves the destruction of the entire epidermis and most of the dermis Sensation can be present, but diminished Blanching is sluggish or absent Full thickness will most likely need excision skin grafting to heal Third degree: All layers of the skin are destroyed Extends into the subcutaneous tissues Areas can appear, b



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