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Pushing a head, East, North, West deve lopme nt, facilitati ng sha nty, complete xinche ng West Roa d, stability and reconstr ucti on of the street, Star Di ng garde n built ce ntury Gar den District, subje ct public housi ng constr ucti on, heating t he gas expa nsi on a ccelerated impleme ntation, Jing Rui River a nd bri dge style li ne solid shaft, further expande d the town development. Bea utiful country adhere to the adva nce a nd ty pical for a gr oup to lea d. According to ecologi cal lay based, and industry i ncrea sed i ncome, and live upgrade civilizati on, and culture rich connotati on of thought, caug ht built bea utiful village, a nd whole village a dvance, a nd ea sily relocation, and five modified t hree built, pr oje ct near 30 a; depth int o e col ogical , and industr y, and culture , and touri sm, element s, hig h standards ca ught party original city Liu, a nd ja de are Xia A O, model village, in province City set ha s be nchmark. Four is e qual be nefits to pr omote sharing, coordinated devel opment of various s ocial undertaking s. In the case of rigid spe ndi ng slowing reve nue gr owth, increase, financial 75% t o the peoples livelihood, t he masse s have m ore access in t he sharing. Cuoba n somethi ng good and benefit. A dhere to the affordable , best, carefully cuoba n village oil, water and heat, cult ural, city a nd County colum ns practical , devel opme nts benefit families, bring more welfare to the masse s. Devel opme nt of social conve nie nce. A cceptance of bala nce d devel opme nt of compul sory e ducation through t he national asse ssment, the County vocational educati on center wa s name d top S chool of vocati onal e ducation in Chi na, the t hird batch of national reform and development model through provi ncial ... Five is to deepe n reform and innovation to break bottlene cks a nd e ndogenous devel opment of effective fire. As an e ngine of dy namism, adding reform key to a dopti ng reform measure s stres


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