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PAGE / NUMPAGES 海 南 大 学 毕 业 论 文〔设计〕 题 目:基于MATLAB的语音倒谱分析 学 号: 姓 名 年 级 学 院: 专 业: 指导老师: 完成日期: 2021年6月 摘 要 语言是人类最重要的沟通工具,它自然便利、精确高效。随着社会的不断进展,各种各样的机器参与了人类的生产活动和社会活动,因此改善人与机器之间的关系,使人对机器的操纵更加便利就显得越来越重要。随着电子计算机和人工智能机器的广泛应用,人们觉察,人和机器之间最好的通信方式是语言通信,而语音是语言的声学表现形式。要使机器听的懂人话,就要对语音信号进行处理。随着信息技术的不断进展,尤其是网络技术的日益普及和完善,语音信号处理技术正发挥着越来越重要的作用。为了查找具有良好性能的特征及提取重要参数以提高识别系统性能,各种科学的算法应运而生,倒谱法作为信号处理的重要的方法之一,能够得到比较好的识别性能。 本文以MATLAB为平台,通过编程实现对语音信号的倒谱分析。首先,本文简要说明白倒谱与语音的相关理论原理,包括倒谱原理和语音的组成元素,为之后的进一步争辩奠定理论根底。然后,对语音倒谱各个方面的应用进行了MATLAB编程,得到了语音基音检测和共振峰检测的试验仿真结果。 关键词:语音信号;倒谱;MATLAB;基音检测;共振峰检测; Abstract Language is one of the most important communication tools, it is convenient and efficient. With the continuous development of the society, a variety of machines are used in the human’s production and social activities, thus improving the relationship between man and machine makes the machine more convenient what becomes more and more important. With the wide application of electronic computers and artificial intelligence machine, it was discovered that language communication is the best means of communication between man and machine, while the voice is the acoustic manifestations of the language.To make the machine understands people, it is necessary to process the speech signal. With the continuous development of IT, especially the growing popularity of network technology and improvement of the voice signal processing technology is playing an increasingly important role, in order to find a good performance characteristics and extract important parameters to improve the performance of the recognition system, a variety of scientific algorithms have emerged, the cepstrum, as the signal processing one of the important methods, can get better recognition performance. MATLAB as a platform, can achieve cepstru


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