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时间管理:一生必备的时间管理知识 第 PAGE \* Arabic 12 页 Recognize Where the Waste Is 看牛人如何管理自己时间 In order to begin a time management program, you need to pinpoint exactly where you are wasting the most time. Likely, there will be many areas where you need better time management. Look at those areas and start working on them every day. Slacking off here or there won’t help you. Be rigid. 了解时间浪费在哪里 开始你的时间管理程序,你要非常精确的找出在什么地方你浪费了大量的时间。你很可能在许多地方更好的管理你的时间,审视这些,开始每天在这些事务上用心,对待任何事情都不要懈怠,那样对你是没有好处的。一定要严格要求自己。 Get Some Tools Getting your life organized will help your time management because you won’t have to think about what is coming up next on your schedule. You can also look up directions if you have a meeting, what restaurants are nearby, and a million other handy things to save yourself some time. Some people use their iPhone for these functions and some still use the Palm Pilot system. Whatever you use, make sure you can surf the net and plug in your daily schedule at ease. 获得工具 井井有条的生活是有益于你管理时间的,因为这样你就不必去想接下来要做什么。你也可以查看自己的计划表,是否有会议要参加,要去附近的哪个餐馆,还有无数其他的琐碎的事情,随时查看自己的时间安排,这会节省你的时间。一些人用iPhone,也有一些人用Palm,无论你用什么工具,都要保证你能随意的添加你的日常事务的时间计划。   Multi-Task While Eating Eating while just staring at the wall is a great time waster. Which is not a good thing. At least check your e-mail or read over a project you have to work on in the afternoon while you are munching your way through that tuna sandwich. If you read (dork!) in your free time, do it during lunch to give you some extra time later when you are usually reading. 吃饭时多做点别的事情 吃饭时仅仅盯着墙面,对时间是巨大的浪费。这是很不好的事情。这个时候你至少可以查看自己的邮件,或者在你大口咀嚼三明治的时候想想自己下午要做什么事情。如果你在自己闲暇的 时候读书--这真是太愚蠢了--把这些事情放到午餐的时候吧,为接下来的事务多留点时间,等到你真的闲暇的时候在去读书吧。 Plan Ahead Each night, there needs to be a moment where you review what will be happening the next day. If you have somewhere to be at 8:30am, plan accordingly. Set your alarm to wake up earlier. Plan your route to avoid as much of the morning traffic rush as possible. It will only take a couple of minutes to re


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