2020-2021学年高二上英语Unit 5 First aid同步训练(四)(解析版).docVIP

2020-2021学年高二上英语Unit 5 First aid同步训练(四)(解析版).doc

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PAGE PAGE 1 \o "Unit 3 A taste of English humour" Unit 5 First aid训练四 课后练习 一 二 三 四 单项选择题 完形填空 语法填空 改错 单项选择题(单词复习+语法提升) 1.He was so fat that he could only just _______ the door.(  ) A.squeeze into B.squeeze through C.get into D.enter through 2.All people,________ they are old or young,rich or poor,have been trying their best to help those in need since the disaster.(  ) A.even if B.whether C.no matter D.however 3.Linda,if you have nothing to do,you can take anything from the shelf and read,but please the books when you have finished your reading.(  ) A.put on B.put down C.put back D.put off 4.She looks sad.Could you tell me ____ that prevents her from being as happy as before?(  ) A.what it is B.it is what C.how it is D.it is how 5.Go to Shanghai,and you will find the parks there more magnificent than commonly _______.(  ) A.supposing B.supposed C.to suppose D.suppose 6.Although ____________ to stop,he kept on working.(  ) A.tell B.telling C.having told D.told 7.Nobody can imagine what difficulty we had __________ home in the snowstorm.(  ) A.to walking B.to walk C.walked D.walking 8.Not until all the fish die in the river ____ how serious the pollution was.(  ) A.did the villagers realize B.the villagers realized C.the villagers realized D.didn't the villagers realize 9.﹣What field will your son go into after graduation from university? ﹣I'm not quite certain,but he ________ a good teacher of English.(  ) A.promises B.becomes C.makes D.proves 10.﹣Mum,is the pair of gloves ______ mine? ﹣Yes.You have to wear another pair.(  ) A.washing B.have washed C.having washed D.being washed 1.【句意】他是如此之胖因此他只能勉强通过这个门. 答案:B.A项"挤入,使挤进,挤人";C项"进入,卷入,陷入";D项"进入";B项"挤过,勉强通过,钻过去";根据句子语境可知,由于他胖,所以他通过这个门时很勉强,B项"挤过,勉强通过"符合语境,故选B. 2.【句意】自这次灾难以来,所有的人,不管他们是年老的还是年轻的,富有的还是贫穷的,都在尽自己最大的努力去帮助那些需要帮助的人. 答案:B.even if,即使;however,无论如何;whether无论.no matter后必须有wh﹣词,排除B.结合句意可知,even if句意不符.however相当于no matter how,how后边需与它所修饰的形容词副词连用,此时,whether经常or连用,构成whether…or…句型,意为"无论是…还是…,不管是…还是…",引


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