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2021高考英语重点单词词性转换和语境活用06解析版 基础盘点?自测自评11 1. n.政治一 n.政治家— adj.政治的:政府的:党派的 拓 vt.祝贺,庆贺- n.祝贺 adj.历史性的- adj.有历史意义的 展 4. v.完成:达到一 n. 成就:功业;伟绩 5. n.高兴:愉快:乐事一 adj.高兴的;快乐的一> adj.令人愉快的 词 6. n.信念:信条一 n. 不信:怀疑;疑惑 汇 7. vt.创作— n.生产;成果:产品一 n.生产者—> n.产 品:作品:成果 语 l .Do you know the background of die flight ? (history) 境 2.Don't admire his .You will your ambition if you work hard.(aclueve) 重 3 .Many friends came to him on his marriage, and some sent emails to express 活 their . (congratulate) 用 4.A is one who is interested or involved in and holds strong beliefs in it.(politics) 点 5.Don't care about others' . Hold on your own , and you'U succeed eventually.(belief) 6. What them most was the things in store for them. (delight) 词 高考英语以后缀?(i)ty结尾的名词大扫描 深 able—ability 能力,才能 major—>niajonty大部分,大多数 active-activity 活动 national—^nationality 国籍 汇 谙 anxious—>anxiety 焦虑 personal—?personality 个性,性格 brave-bravery 勇敢 popular—^popularity 流行 构 certain—^certainty 确定性,必然 real—>reality 真实,现实 cruel—cruelty 残酷,残暴 responsible—?responsibility 责任 词 curious—?curiosity 好奇,好奇心 safe-^safety 安全 difficult—>difficulty 困难 secureTsecurity保护措施,安全工作 法 disable-disability 无能,残疾 smiilar—?similarity 类似,相似点 diverse—>diversity 多样性 socials—>society 社会 equal—quality 平等 various—variety多样性,变化,多样化 honest-honesty 诚实 secure-security 保护措施 对接高考?重点单词词性转换高效演练十一 I.单句语法填空 l it is our responsibility (responsible) to take care of our sick mother by turns. . Strictly (strict) speaking, the book written by a famous writer is not a novel, but a short story . Learning requires patience (patient). Tlie same is true of making friends. .This is the easiest and best way to avoid an argument (argue) .The experience in Tibet completely (complete) changed her-she has devoted herself to helping the poor. .Tmie for us all is limited (limit). So m die days to follow, we must work out a practical plan for our study and keep to it strictly. .The reality (real) is that most young people won t go to work in the countryside even if salaries are luglier.


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