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PEP四下小学文化素质测试 四年级英语期末测评 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 卷面 总^ ☆数 (总星数:100^ 时间:40分钟) L .同学们,准备好了吗?我们先来做听力部分吧! 听力部分(50^) 【温馨提示:听之前,一定先看一遍听力部分的图和题,这样听起来就容易多了】 ()1. A. what for、听录音,根据你所听到的内容,把选项填在括号内 ( ()1. A. what for B. weather report C. all right ( )2. A. canteen()3. A. whose( )4. A. teacher s officeB. sixtyB. thosemusic room ( )2. A. canteen ()3. A. whose ( )4. A. teacher s office B. sixty B. those music room donkey C.shoes C. P.E. class C. colourful ()5. A. cool B. floor 、听录音,根据听到的顺序给下面的图片标上序号。 (10☆) ()()()() ( ) ()()()() ( ) 四、听录音,选答语(10☆) ()1. A. Thank you.B. It s on the second floorC. It s blue. ( )2. A.诒s, I am. B. No, ifs a map. C. Its your baby brother ( )3. A. Its nine ten.B. They are hens. C. They are thirty-five yuan. ()4. A. Two. B. No, they areiti C. They are goats. ( )5. A.诒s, you can. B. st too expensive. CeY, I want a pair of shoes. 五、听录音,写单词,完成句子 (10介) We have four in our classroom. My T-shirt is. It s today. I want ten. There are-one goats. 念陵下来用你的耐心和细心,体验采摘知识果实带来的开心吧, 笔试部分(40食) 六、挑挑选选。(10 ☆) 有一个是与其它三个不同类的,请选出来,并填到前面括号里。 ()1. A. this B. that()2. A. breakfast B. lunch()3. A. class ()1. A. this B. that ()2. A. breakfast B. lunch ()3. A. class B. Chinese ( )4. A. sweater B. jeans ()5. A. rainy B. pretty ()6. A. floor B. my ( )7. A. sixty B. many ()8. A. lamb B. cow ()9. A. tomato B. carrot ()10. A. red B. colour 七、读读写写根据提示完成句子。 1. Is this a C. the D. those C. dinner D. weather C. English D. music C. shorts D. these C. cloudy D. windy C.your D. our C. ninety D. seventy C. farm D. pig C. cucumber D. matter C. white D. green ☆) 西瓜)? I have a new 连衣裙)for my birthday party. It s 暧和的)today. The shirt is 的). 力re they 鹘子)? -No, they arent. 八、我问你答,情景对话(10介) 从右边的答语中选择正确选项填在左边问句后的括号内。 G :Is that a picture?Is this your skirt, Alice?What s the weather like there?(Its hot. Can I wear my T-shirt?(How much are they? G : Is that a picture? Is this your skirt, Alice? What s the weather like there?( Its hot. Can I wear my T-shirt?( How much are they? What colour is it? What a


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