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汇率波动对中国企业的影响及应对策略 摘 要 中国经济融入全球化的时代已经来临,随着我国资本项目管制的逐步放开,人民币终将成为自由兑换的货币。因此,研究国际汇率波动的经济背景和政策因素,分析中国企业成功规避汇率风险的案例,推动中国企业科学判断汇率波动的趋势,及时采取应对措施,是十分重要的。 深刻了解和研究汇率波动的经济背景与政策因素,掌握汇率波动的外部、内部风险,是制定相应的应对策略是否正确的首要条件。也是企业规避汇率风险所必须具备的专业知识。 企业对利用外资、外债中面临的外汇风险,应该主动采取应对措施进行规避。防范外汇风险是为了更好地维持生产经营活动、而不是利用市场的波动进行投机。中国企业对汇率波动风险的管理将是一项十分重要而长期的工作。 通常情况下,企业难以通过自身的经营活动完全化解汇率风险和利率风险。因此,有必要通过金融市场提供的金融工具来进行避险。在汇率出现大幅度波动的情况下,企业可以通过调整进出口业务来规避汇率的风险。 关键词:汇率波动 中国企业 影响 应对策略 THE INFLUENCE OF THE EXCHANGE RATE THAT AFFECT THE CHINESE ENTERPRISES AND THE STRATEGY OF ANSWERING ABSTRACT Chinese economy has already been a part of the globalization. As the capital item control has been unlocked step by step, the RMB will become a free exchange currency in the future. So, it is very important to study the economic background and policy of exchange rate, analyze the cases of avoiding foreign exchanges risk, help the Chinese enterprises to judge the trend of exchange rate and take strategies of answering. To understand and study the economic background and policy of the fluctuation of exchange rate, know the internal and external risk of exchange are the initial terms of making right strategies. They are also considered as the essential professional knowledge of avoiding risk. The enterprises should take strategies to avoid foreign exchanges rate when take advantages of foreign capital and foreign loans. They should improve production by defenses of exchange risk but not speculate in fluctuation. The administration of exchange risk is a long term and important work. Commonly, the risk of foreign exchanges rate and interest rate could not be avoided completely by enterprises’ managements. As a result, it is necessary to use the financial tools given by the financial market. The enterprises can adjust import and export business to avoid risk in fluctuation. Key Words: fluctuation of exchange rate Chinese enterprises influence strategies of answering 目 录 中文摘要··················


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