ABB 驱动与控制(变频器)全系列产品选型总目录资料.pdf

ABB 驱动与控制(变频器)全系列产品选型总目录资料.pdf

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— PRODUC T C ATALOG ABB drives and controls The green guide to more profitable business • Improving energy efficiency is the fastest, the most sustainable and the cheapest way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions • The installed base of ABB drives saves over 310 million megawatt hours per year. This is equivalent to the amount of energy used by 75 million households — Technology is the core of our business. For over 100 years we have invested a significant proportion of our turnover in research and development. As a result, we developed the very first high-power AC drive in the 1970s, and today we offer you the most advanced range of variable speed drives in the world. Still, the cutting edge technology is not the only thing that makes us the global leader in AC and DC drives. You can expect more from us. — ABB drives and controls The green guide to more profitable business 06 – 15 INTRODUCTION 06 – 07 What can you expect from the world’s largest drives and softstarters manufacturer? 08– 09 The most effective way to a green process is also the most profitable 10 EU Ecodesign Regulation 11 ABB Value Provider networkto serve your needs 12– 13 Our extensive drives, softstarters and controls portfolio means the most optimal solution for you 14– 15 Product positioning by applications 16– 17 ABB SOFTSTARTERS PSTX – the advanced range PSE – the efficient range PSR – the compact range 18–55 ABB LOW VOLTAGE AC DRIVES 20 – 21 Micro drives for basic applications ACS55 ACS150 22 – 25 General purpose drives ACS580 ACS480 ACS310 26 – 31 Machinery drives ACS355 ACS380 ACS880-M04


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