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试卷第 PAGE 1 页共 NUMPAGES 1 页 国际货运代理师单选题试卷 姓名:_____________ 年级:____________ 学号:______________ 题型 选择题 填空题 解答题 判断题 计算题 附加题 总分 得分 评卷人 得分 1、The International Monetary Fund is an international financial organization between( ),which was established on Dec.27th,1945. A.traders B.borders C.governments D.people 2、To cooperate with the World Bank is the( )function of WTO. A.additional B.basic C.only D.main 3、The World Trade Organization is additionally to cooperate with the International Monetary Fund and( )in order to achieve greater coherence in global economic policy making. A.the Central Bank of China B.the World Bank C.World Health Organization D.the International Development Association 4、International trade is the exchange of capital,goods and ( )across international borders or territories. A.materials B.factors of production C.products D.services 5、When we want to buy something from other countries,We should make( )first. A.a confirmation B.an offer C.an inquiry D.an acceptance 6、The risk of cancellation,war risks,( )are the main risks that political risks may include. A.the fluctuation of the price B.financial crisis C.the fluctuation of the exchange rate D.risk of expropriation or confiscation of the importer’s company 7、Any international transaction starts with( ). A.offer B.status inquiry C.quotations D.market research 8、Country of origin means the country( ). A.that sells the goods B.where the cargos be shipped C.that buys the goods D.where the goods are produced 9、After the negotiation of export documents under L/C by the beneficiary,the importer,after viewing the documents,should do the( )of documents by effecting payment. A.claims B.delivery C.redemption D.importance clearance 10、The barriers to trade may take any form including import duties,import licenses,export licenses,import quotas,tariffs,


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