傲慢与偏见粉笔阅读高级班day98pride and prejudice.pdfVIP

傲慢与偏见粉笔阅读高级班day98pride and prejudice.pdf

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高级班第98天 Pride and Prejudice Day 58 1. “It has been co on so gradually, that I hardly know when it began. But I believe I must date it from my first seeing his beautiful grounds at Pemberley.” date from…: 始于,追溯到 These sculptures must date from the middle of the7th century. 这些雕刻品肯定可以追溯到7世纪中叶。 简问及 ⽩何时对达⻄动⼼时, ⽩状似开玩笑地说是在看到达⻄ 的豪华⼤花园时动⼼的,其实这句话从另⼀个⻆度来说也没错, ⽩正是 在这次拜访中⾸先通过 这家主⼈的品味不凡,并⾮穷奢极欲的暴发 户做派,⽽是极具⾃然 、不受庸俗的沾损。 ⽩当时还萌⽣了“在 利当个主妇也还不错吧”的想法。 句⼦⼤意:“这是慢慢⼉发展起来的,我也说不出从什么时候开始,不过我觉 得,应该从看到 利他 的花园算起。” 2. She did not fear her fathers opposition, but he was going to be unhappy; and that it should be through her means—that she, his favourite child, should be distressing him by her choice, should be filling him with fears and regrets in disposing of her—was a wretched reflection, and she sat in misery till Mr. Darcy appeared again, when, looking at him, she was a little relieved by his s . in misery : She tried every allurement and persuasion to detain him. 她百般劝诱想把他留住。 当你捧起书,世界便有了光。 1 Open the book, let there be light. 高级班第98天 语法分析: and that it…a wretched reflection中,主⼲部分为(that it should be through her means)was a wretched reflection ,其中包含⼀个that引导的 主语从句,扩折号中的部分为that引导的从句,指代that [it] should be through her means中的it。 句⼦⼤意:她并不是怕⽗亲 ,⽽是怕⽗亲会给弄得不愉快。她想,她是⽗ 亲最宠爱的⼥⼉, 她选择了这个对象,竟会使⽗亲感到痛苦,使⽗亲为她 终身⼤事忧虑惋惜,未免太不像话。她担⼼地坐在那⼉,直到达⻄先⽣回到她 身边,⾯带笑意,她这才松了⼝⽓。 3. “Or, in other words, you are determined to have him. He is rich, to be sure, and you may have more fine clothes and fine carriages than Jane. But will they make you happy?” in other words :换句话说;就是说 In other words, we have to build different corporate culture


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