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河北省石家庄市新乐长寿镇中学2019年高一英语测试题含解析 一、 选择题 1. Every minute is made full _______ of _______ our lessons well. A. to use; study?????????????? B. use; studying C use; to study??????????????? D. used; studying 参考答案: C 2. With so many noises from the busy traffic in the street, I couldn’t ____ and do my research work.??? A. put down?? B. settle down???? C. cut down??? D. set down 参考答案: B 3. Some students interested in biology have _____________to the classroom with electric facilities. A. exit??? B. access??? C. right?? D. enterance 参考答案: B 4. --- We are going on a holiday this weekend.? --- ___________. A. The same to you??????????? ???????? B. You are welcome C. Have a good time?????????? D. Yes, please 参考答案: C 5. Zhang Ning managed to ?????????her injury to win the Olympic gold medal. ?? A. prefer??????? B. overcome????????? C. injure???????? D. shock 参考答案: B 略 6. --- When will the party be held? --- It is still _____. ? A.making preparation B.making preparations ? C.in preparation D.in preparations 参考答案: C 7. He may win the first prize in the national competition,     he is likely to be admitted to Peking University. A. in which case B. in that case C. in what case D. in whose case 参考答案: A 考查定语从句。分析句子结构并结合句意可知,此处为非限制性定语从句,应选in which case,表示在这种情况下。 ? 8. He’s got himself into a dangerous situation _____he is likely to lose control over the plane. A. where?????? B. which?????? C. while???? D. why 参考答案: A 略 9. Unbelievable! I’ve won a holiday for two to Maldives. I _________my best friend. A. take B. am taking C. have taken D. will have taken 参考答案: B 10. ---Sorry, I got a bad cold yesterday. ---Every time you are absent, you ________ an excuse. A. take up????????????? B. give up????????? C. send up???????? D. make up 参考答案: D 11. -- Are you still busy? -- Yes,I ____ my work, and it won’t take long.??? [??? ] A.just finish?????????????????? B.am just finishing C.have just finished ???????????D.am just going to finish 参考答案: B 略 12. We visited the museum, _____ was set up in me



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