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北京密云第三中学2019-2020学年高三英语期末试卷含解析 一、 选择题 1. Rather than ?????on a crowded bus he always prefers ?????a bicycle. A,ride; ride??? B.riding; ride??? C.ride; to ride??? D.to ride; riding 参考答案: C 2. There is no doubt that our educational system leaves something __________. A. being desired??? B. to be desired??? ? C. to desire?? ?????? ?????? D. to have been desired 参考答案: B 略 3. Estella showed me the way with a candle. When she opened the side entrance, the_______ of the daylight quite confused me. A. trend???? B. rush??? C. crash??? D. increase 参考答案: B 【命题立意】考查名词的用法。 句意:Estella用蜡烛给我指路。当她打开侧门时,强烈的日光让我模糊不清。the? rush of the daylight强烈的日光。trend趋势;crash坠毁;increase增加。故判断选B。 4. ---Are you taking morning exercise tomorrow? ---Sure. We do sports every morning_____ it rains A. as long as??? ????????????? B. unless?? ????????????? C. as though??? D.in case 参考答案: B 5. — I still haven’t made any progress in writing an English essay. — ________. How can you expect to write a passage when you don’t understand the words? A. Learn to walk before you run? B. Practice makes perfect C. Don’t put the cart before the horse? D. Learn to fish but not just ask for fish 参考答案: A 考查谚语。句意:“我仍然没有在写英语作文上取得任何进步。”“要从基础做起,循序渐进。既然你连单词都不理解,你怎么能够期待写出文章呢?”Learn to walk before you run意为“按部就班,循序渐进,先学走再学跑”;Practice makes perfect意为“熟能生巧”;Don’t put the cart before the horse意为“不要本末倒置”;Learn to fish but not just ask for fish意为“不只是为了得到鱼才学会捕鱼,技多不压身”。 6. The electronic red-packet has been so ______? that AliPay and Tencent Wechat compete against each other openly and secretly since the beginning of this year. A. popular ?? B. convenient? ???? C. favorable ??????? D. arbitrary 参考答案: A 考点∶考查形容词 7. After ____ seemed an endless wait, it was her turn to enter the interview room. A.what?????????? ???????? B.why?????????? C.that?????????? D.how 参考答案: A 8. ????? things had been tough at times when he was in school, he graduated from college with the highest honor. A. If B. While C. Because D. As 参考答案: B 9.


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