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Fragmentation fragmentation is the accumulation of numerous and varied - often to chaotic effect - signs (words, images, sounds). 1.Fragmentation in stanza form: ---fragmented stanzas represented not in sequential fashion. i.e. Street women’s room fog women’s room ---elliptical structure ---absence of bridge 2.The rhythm of the lines is deliberately irregular. Eliot occasionally rhymes for long stretches (LL 4-12) and then not at all; his rhyme scheme itself seems like he confusing Streets that follow like a tedious argument (8). The concluding two three-line stanzas act as a sestet (six lines). Although the rhyme scheme differs (here it is abbcdd), Petrarchan sonnets complement the opening octet (first eight lines) with a sestet(cdecde). This is Eliots final mock-allusion to yet another Renaissance artist (after Dante and Michelangelo). Petrarch unrequitedly mooned after his love, Laura, but Prufrock, whose name sounds much like Petrarchs, does not even have an unattainable ideal love. He has unattainable, frustrated, paralyzed desire for all women who reject him. 3.Prufrocks fragmented voice It is difficult to decide who is the speaker because it is a combination of so many historic poetic voices. The poem comes in the form of a dramatic monologue, a form that is usually fit for a resonant speaking voice (and one that extinguishes the personality of the poet, too). But Prufrock has a chorus of fragmented voices - the epigraph to Dante, the frequent allusions to the Bible, Shakespeare, and many poetic predecessors - which deny the existence of a solo voice. This, then, is Prufrocks voice: a fragmentation of voices past and present that somehow harmonize. Fragmentation is also embodied in the rhetorical devices used, such as image, allusion. Imagery City image sunlit sky as looking like a patient etherised upon a table (Eliot 3). Thi


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