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考研英语作文:Motorcar a Boon or a Menace Motorcar a Boon or a Menace ? The use of the motorcar is becoming more and more widespread in the 21st century. Possessing a car gives a much greater degree of mobility, enabling the driver to move around freely. The car owner is no longer forced to rely on public transport to get about. With the building of good, fast motorways long distances can be covered rapidly and pleasantly. And many people are now able to enjoy their leisure time to the full by making trips to the country or seaside at weekends, instead of being confined to their immediate neighborhood. When, however, considering the drawbacks, perhaps poilution is of prime problems. As more and more cars are produced and used, so the emission from their exhaust pipes contains an ever larger volume of poisonous gas, which not only pollutes the atmosphere but causes actual harm to the health of people. Another serious problem is traffic congestion, endless queuse of cars crawling bumper to bumper through all the main streets. Difficulties in finding parking lots, and the cost of petrol and road tax all add to the driver' s worries. With both of these advantages and disadvantages of the use of a car in mind, I, personally, prefer to have my own car for work and play. I can have a wider choice of jobs as I no longer have to work locally, and I can make better use of my free time by driving out at weekends. The feeling of independence, and the freedom to go where I please, is what I enjoy most. 标题:小轿车 1 皇家还是一种威胁?( 内容:小轿车 1 皇家还是一种威胁?该小轿车的使用越来越在 21 世纪普遍。持 有汽车给出了更大程度的流动性,使驾驶者自由走动。车主便不再*依靠公共交 通来获取有关。随着好,长距离的快速公路,可以迅速覆盖愉快建设。也有很 多人现在能够享受周末作出的国家或海边旅游的闲暇时间充分,而不是只局限 于自己的近邻。然而,当考虑的缺点,也许 poilutio 是首要问题。随着越来 越多的汽车生产和使用,因此从排气管排放含有有毒气体,不仅污染了大气 层,但造成实际损害的人的健康越来越大的音量。另一个严重问题是交通挤 塞,爬行通过所有的主要街道上的碰碰车碰碰无休止 queuse。找到停车场困 难,汽油和道路税,所有费用增加了驾驶者的忧虑。凭借这些优势,对汽车的 使用都在考虑利弊,我个人希望能够有我的工作和娱乐自己的汽车。我可以, 因为我不再需要工作,在当地的就业机会更多的选择,我可以通过在周末开车 出更好的使用我的空闲时间。在独立的感觉,和自由的地方去,我请,这是我


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