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电气控制技术课程设计说明书 自动喷泉的PLC控制系统设计 学生姓名: 专 业: 班 级: 学 号: 指导教师: 职称 完成时间: 摘 要 随着人民生活水平的提高,城市环境建设日益为人们所重视。喷泉作为一种观赏性较高的艺术水景,不断出现在城市广场、居民小区、公园等场所。它不仅可以增加空气湿度,减少空气中的尘埃,降低空气湿度,更为人们生活增添了不少情趣。自动控制喷泉能自动且连续的改变其形态,呈现丰富多彩的花样变化,从而给人以美好的视觉感受。 本设计首先分析了自动喷泉的工作原理、控制要求,根据工艺要求,统计了自动喷泉所需要的输入和输出端子,其中输入点为6个,输出点为16个,共计22个输入输出点。根据PLC的I/O点数和内存容量选型原则,此设计选择了三菱FX2N-48MR继电器型PLC作为自动喷泉的控制器,同时选择了其它电器元件,设计了PLC的外部接线图。然后利用SFC(Sequential Function Chart,顺序功能图)图法设计了自动喷泉的程序梯形图。为了验证设计的正确性,运用三菱GX Developer仿真软件进行程序仿真。仿真结果证明,本设计以达到顺利实现工业控制的要求及目的,同时达到了低功耗、高性价比、运行安全可靠等基本要求。 关键词:PLC;喷泉;控制器 ABSTRACT With the improvement of peoples living standard, the construction of urban environment has become more and more valued by people. The fountain as a high art of ornamental features, continue to appear in the places of the city square, residential areas, parks etc.. It can not only increase air humidity, reduce the dust in the air, the air humidity is reduced and more people add a lot of fun. Automatic control of fountain can automatically and continuously change its shape, showing a colorful pattern changes, so as to give a person with a good visual feeling. The first analysis of the automatic fountain of the working principle and control demand, according to the technical requirement of statistical automatic fountain need the input and output terminals, which input points to six, the output is 16, a total of 22 input and output points. According to the PLC I / O points and memory capacity selection principle, this design chose Mitsubishi FX2N-48MR relay type PLC as controller of the automatic fountain, and choose the other electrical components, design the PLC external wiring diagram. Then use SFC(Sequential Function Chart,Sequential function chart)graph method to design the automatic fountain program ladder diagram. In order to verify the correctness of


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