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? ? ? ? ? 美国柯尔百货公司-详解 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (重定向自柯尔公司) 美国柯尔百货公司(Kohls) NYSE: KSS 目录 1 美国柯尔百货公司简介 2 柯尔公司历史 美国柯尔百货公司简介   Kohls由Kohl家族于1962年在密尔沃基创立,现在店铺遍布美国34个州。该公司未来两年积极扩展后,规模将扩增三分之一。   Kohls的销售对象以家有幼儿的年轻母亲为主,店铺多数设于家庭聚居的市区,强调购物便利和物有所值。该公司正展开强劲的宣传攻势,今年3月,每间新店的首600名顾客都获赠Kohls手挽袋一个;加州28家新店开张前,附近的居民都获得价值10美元的赠券。此外,在店内填表申请Kohls信用卡的顾客,可获九折购物优惠。Kohls凭着种种推广手法,成功吸引了一大批捧场客。   Kohls与对手Mervyns一样,设有儿童、青少年、女士及男士产品部,货品以服装为主,价格相宜,质素不俗,加上各种促销优惠,因此颇受欢迎。 柯尔公司历史 Kohls百货公司外部   Beginnings成立   Max Kohl, who had previously operated traditional grocery stores, built his first Kohls supermarket in 1946, first in what would become a southeastern Wisconsin chain known as Kohls Food Stores.In 1962, he started his first department store, also called Kohls Department Stores.   In 1972 the British-American Tobacco Companys (parent of U.S. subsidiary Brown Williamson Tobacco Co.) U.S. retail division, BATUS Inc., bought a controlling interest in Kohls Corp., which at the time operated 50 grocery stores, six department stores, three drug stores and three liquor stores.The Kohl family, led by Allen and Herb Kohl, stayed on to manage the company. The family left the management in 1979, and Herb Kohl went on to become a United States Senator and owner of the Milwaukee Bucks. This firm expanded Kohls presence from 10 to 39 stores in Wisconsin, Illinois and Indiana. The grocery stores were eventually sold to AP in 1983, operating under the name Kohls II, but the last of them were later closed in 2003.   Expansion发展   A group of investors, including the senior management, purchased the company in 1986, and the company added 27 more stores in the next two years. In 1988, the chain acquired 26 locations from Chicago-based MainStreet, gaining several stores in Chicagos suburbs, Minneapolis, Minnesota and parts of Michigan. In 1992, the company went public and a period of expansion began. Kohls entered mid-Atlantic markets in 1997 (opening in many former locations of Clover, an offshoot of the S


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