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〔全国1卷〕2020年高三英语模仿展望卷〔五〕 本试卷6页 , 总分值120分。测验用时120分钟 本卷须知 : 1.答卷前 , 考生务必用玄色笔迹的钢笔或具名笔将本身的校名、姓名、考号、座位号等 相干信息填写在答题卡指定地区内。 2.选择题每道题选出谜底后 , 请用2B铅笔把答题卡上対应问题的谜底标号涂黑 ; 如需窜改 , 用橡皮擦洁净后 , 再选涂其余谜底 ; 不可以答在试卷上。 . 3.非选择题必需用玄色笔迹的钢笔或具名笔作答 , 谜底必需写在答题卡各问题指定地区 内的响应地址上 ; 如需窜改 , 先划掉本来的谜底 , 然后再写上新的谜底 ; 禁绝利用铅 笔和涂改液 , 不按以上要求作答的谜底失效。 4. 考生必需包管答题卡的整齐。 第一局部 阅读明白(共两节,总分值40分) 第一节(共15小题;每道题2分,总分值30分) 阅读以下漫笔 , 从每道题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中 , 选出最正确选项 , 并在答题卡大将该项涂。 A Christmas is coming early this year for 〞Downton Abbey〞【唐顿庄园】fans. Highclere Castle, where the beloved British show was filmed, will be available for one night only on Airbnb. The stay will offer two lucky guests a glimpse at what life as a Crawley may have been like. The once-in-a-lifetime stay will take place on November 26, 2019, according to the listing. Highclere Castle belongs to the Earl and Countess of Carnarvon, who still live on the grounds and will host the guests. The Earl is Queen Elizabeth II’s godson. Reservations for Highclere Castle will become available on October 1 at 7 p.m. ET, and it’s first come, first serve. The stay at Highclere Castle will cost $159. In a one-night-only listing, Earl and Lady Carnarvon are inviting one lucky couple to 〞live like royalty〞 at their 100,000-square-foot, 300-room estate in Hampshire, England. The chosen pair will be invited to share dinner with the Earl and Countess in the state dining room, followed by coffee in the library. They will then retire to one of the gallery bedrooms with views overlooking 1,000 acres of parkland. Before they leave the following day, the guests can also expect breakfast and a private tour of the grounds that will highlight rooms 〞Downton Abbey〞 fans know well, including the drawing room and gallery bedrooms. Guests will be waited on by the castle’s butler service(管家效劳) during dinner and there’s strictly one butler allowed per guest, according to house rules. Other stipulations for guests include that all newspapers must be ironed, they must wear cocktail attire to


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