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Ⅰ 基于MATLAB的光伏发电研究及其仿真 摘 要 近些年来,随着社会生产的发展,对新能源光伏产业的要求越来越大。本文针对如何提高太阳能光伏发电系统的转换效率,利用MATLAB建模仿真部分对最大功率点跟踪(MPPT)的控制器进行了研究。论文分析了常用的蓄电池充电控制方法、光伏电池的特性及其最大功率点跟踪的原理和方法。通过MATLAB软件对不同环境下的光伏电池输出特性进行了建模、仿真。分析了最大功率点跟踪的工作原理,介绍了常用的最大功率点跟踪方法,并在此基础上提出了一种新的扰动观察法。最后,通过比较三种常用的DC/DC变换器的工作原理,提出利用BOOST型DC-DC变换器实现转换,对参数进行分析后建立了BOOST型DC/DC变换器的仿真模型。 关键词:太阳能光伏发电 MATLAB仿真 最大功率点跟踪 Boost型DC-DC变换器 PAGE 44 Simulation Research of Photovoltaic Power Generation System Based on Matlab Abstract In recent years, with the development of social production, to the requirements of new energy pv industry bigger and bigger.In this paper how to improve the conversion efficiency of solar photovoltaic power generation system, using MATLAB simulation modeling part of maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controller is studied.This paper analyses the common battery charging control methods, the characteristics of photovoltaic cells and the principle and method of maximum power point tracking.Through the MATLAB software for photovoltaic cells output characteristics under different environment modeling and simulation.Analyzed the working principle of the maximum power point tracking maximum power point tracking methods are introduced, and based on this, advances a new disturbance observation.Finally, by comparing three kinds of commonly used the working principle of the DC/DC converter is proposed using the BOOST DC - DC converter to realize the transformation, analysis of parameters was established after the BOOST type simulation model of DC/DC converter. Keywords: Photovoltaic Energy, MATLAB Simulation ,MPPT , Boost DC-DC Converter 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 摘要 Ⅰ 1课题背景 1 1.1能源与环境危机 1 1.1.1能源 1 1.1.2环境 1 1.2太阳能光伏发电技术发展简介 1 1.3太阳能光伏发电利用的优势 2 1.4 光伏发电系统的分类级组成 3 1.5国内外研究产业现状及规划 4 2 光伏发电系统 6 2.1光伏发电系统介绍 6 2.2 太阳能光伏发电系统的应用 7 2.2.1屋顶光伏发电系统 7 2.2.2户用光伏发电系统、小型光伏电站 7 2.2.3大型并网光伏发电系统 7 2.3带有最大功率跟踪功能的光伏发电系统的基本组成 8 3光伏阵列特性及其仿真模型的研究 9 3.1太阳能电池的等效电路分析 9 3.2电池板matlab仿真 11 3.



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