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附件: 阳光协议 Annex Sunshine Agreement 甲方 Party A: 乙方 Party B: 为促进甲方员工的廉洁自律,禁止各种不当行为,就有关廉洁事项签订如下协议: In order to promote integrity and self-discipline of Party As employees and to prohibit all kinds of misconduct, the following agreements have been signed regarding integrity matters: 乙方及甲方员工在双方合作过程中应遵守如下规定: Party B and Party A shall abide by the following provisions during their cooperation: 乙方(含乙方的关联公司,下同)不得向甲方员工(含甲方员工本人、员工亲属、朋友或特定关系人,下同)直接或间接支付任何现金、有价证券、购物卡(券)、以及其他现金类凭证,不得向甲方员工提供任何财物。 Party B (including Party Bs affiliated companies, the same below) shall not pay any cash, securities, shopping cards or other cash vouchers, directly or indirectly to Party As employees (including Party As employees, employees relatives, friends or specific persons, the same below), and shall not provide any property to Party As employees. 乙方不得报销甲方员工的任何费用,不得为甲方员工支付如通讯费、水电费、房租、保险费等任何费用。 Party B shall not reimburse Party A for any expense incurred by its employees. Party B shall not pay any expense for Party A, such as communication fees, water and electricity charges, rents, insurance premiums, etc. 乙方不得提供房屋、车辆等供甲方员工使用,不得为甲方员工装修住房。 Party B shall not provide Party A’s employee with housing, vehicles and house decoration service. 乙方不得邀请甲方员工外出旅游,不得因甲方员工婚丧嫁娶支付高额礼金。 Party B shall not invite Party As employees to travel, and shall not pay high gifts due to the weddings and funerals of Party As employees. 乙方不得向甲方员工提供干股,不得为甲方员工的经营活动或其他活动提供担保。 Party B shall not provide free-obtained shares to Party As employees and shall not provide guarantee for Party As employees business activities or other activities. 乙方不得与甲方员工有任何经济交往活动,不得以明显低于市场的价格向甲方员工销售物品、或以明显高于市场的价格向甲方员工购买物品。 Party B shall not engage in any economic activities with Party As employees and shall not sell goods to Party As employees at a price significantly lower than the market price or purchase goods from Party As employees at a price significantly h





