高中英语 2话题研读 3周围的环境.ppt

高中英语 2话题研读 3周围的环境.ppt

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本文作者介绍了他的家乡利物浦。那里有引人注目的宏伟建筑, 有着浓郁的文化氛围, 例如那里有比英国任何地方都多的博物馆和美术馆, 那里还是英国第一大音乐城市, 举办欧洲第一大城市音乐节。此外, 还有很多著名的酒吧可供人休息。可以说利物浦是完美的地方。;1. C 2. D细节理解题。由第二段最后一句话可知——It is not hard to imagine why, on first seeing the city, most visitors would be overpowered by the beauty of the noble buildings, which are solid signs of Liverpool’s history.;3. A推理判断题。读完第三段可知, 这一段主要列举了利物浦在文化方面吸引人的例子, 如博物馆、美术馆、音乐节以及体育赛事等。由此可知, A项符合题意。 4. D细节理解题。文章第二段提及了A项, 第三段提及了B项, 第四段提及了C项, 所以D项文中没有提到。 5. C主旨大意题。通读全文可知, 这篇文章重在介绍利物浦浓郁的文化氛围。因此C项正确。 6. B猜测词义题。通读上下句可知,作者对引人注目的宏伟建筑有点不知所措。 7. Liverpool’s cultural role;1.Hometown 2.architecture 3.Respond 4.painting 5.attracts thousands of visitors 6.Monument 7.treasure 8.Explore 9. 在英格兰的北部 10. 世界各地 11. 回到我的家乡 12. 提供了许多音乐活动 13. 使城市成为一个神奇的地方 14.使我的腿休息一下;一、句子翻译 1. home, north, However, more, galleries 2. window, wooden, view 3. architect, work out, wood, bricks, glass, everything, used, building ;4. Facing the school gate, the gym of our school is located on the left of the teaching building, and on the west of the playground. (Located on the left of the teaching building, our school gym lies on the west of the playground and faces the school gate.);5. That is a huge palace, which consists of 8,888 rooms/consisting of 8,888 rooms. 6. To the right of the living room is my first bedroom. It’s empty, but it’s where my earliest memories are. 7. China Art Museum is located at 205 Shangnan Road in Pudong, Shanghai with its own station, the China Art Museum Station, on Shanghai Metro Line 8. ;8. I work in a company on the opposite side of the street, on either side of which / where there are varieties of food shops, groceries, book-shops, clothing stores, markets, banks, a library, a museum, a cinema, and a theatre.;二、短文填空 ① a sense of familiarity ② have a clear picture ③ see a brown sofa ④ To the right ⑤ dining room table ⑥ tall and strong ⑦ in the house ⑧ on each side ⑨ in my mind and heart ⑩ lie do


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